
    10 Tech Trends That Will Disrupt Businesses In The Next 5 Years

    The time has come for businesses to stop seeing technology as a threat to their livelihood and embrace it via on demand app development company professionals. Don’t get us wrong, many of them have, but still, there’s a whole section of society who are so afraid of change that they stick to ways that were only effective years ago, in the name of a “tried and true” business strategy. But sadly, it may have been a foolproof plan back then, and it may have generated results back then, but it is not true now. The world is moving ahead if they keep being stubborn their businesses will cease to exist. 

    Currently, Software development company services are focusing more on understanding the new tech trends. Here, we have listed the top 10 tech trends that have the potential to disrupt businesses in the next 5 years.

    1. OTT Video Streaming Solutions

    Let’s start with the one that is very clearly making headway. OTT or Over-the-top media service is a OTT video streaming solution that provides stream-able video services directly to users via online platforms. This generally means they go over the other media-controlling or distributing platforms that have been around for quite a while such as cable, satellite and broadcast television platforms. Some of these are free to watch while others are monetized after gathering up similar streams to one particular platform.

    2. The Real Estate App Solutions

    Real estate brokers usually take a pretty big chunk of the contract agreement, which makes sense because of the amount of labour they have to do to match a customer to a particular estate that they are affiliated to. The whole profession in itself is a fair one but it’s not very efficient. Each broker has one particular set of properties that they are allowed to negotiate and give out, but most of the properties are out of their familiarity zone, therefore, they won’t be able to give the customer much of a bargain. This and if you consider the ease by which you can add as many filters you want to the real estate app solution, to get exactly what you want only gives it an upper hand.

    3. Matrimonial App Solutions

    Marriage is another one of the businesses that require a broker or mediator. Like mentioned above, almost everyone has way too many particulars while selecting a corresponding partner. Hence, the small list of people who are registered with a particular mediator is definitely not enough or would be unable to match to all the criteria set up by the families. Thus, making the matrimonial app development as one of the top trends for a mobile app development company.

    4. Event Booking App Solutions

    This Event Booking App Solution is one of the top tech trends for the next upcoming years. Efficiency and time are very important during event planning and finally, execution. Events have many aspects to themselves, and they all need to go hand in hand to bring it together. To gather all aspects of a client’s idea is very tedious, especially when the clients themselves are not good at communicating what’s in their mind. 

    5. Food Delivery App Solutions

    This was an inevitable change well catered by food delivery app solution providers. Those restaurants that are not registered yet are completely forgotten now. More than the ease of delivery of the food, it has become a platform to bring every type of food available against every price of that particular type available. IT company apps cater to every whim or craving of any type of customer from anywhere.

    6. E-Commerce App Solutions

    An E-Commerce app solution is one of the highly demanded and growing trends for next five years. For clothing as an example, if you go to one specific store, pick out a dress that fits you exactly and then go online and find the same thing there is probably a better offer on it. Even if there is not, it saves you from the whole hassle of travelling till the store and aimlessly walking around till you find what you are looking for when you could just simply apply a filter on any ecommerce app developed by a web development company.

    7. Ride-Sharing App Solutions

    There are still big groups of transportation labourers that are not putting their services online or affiliating with a big company for their service. Of course, there is the downfall of the web development companies taking quite a commission from each of the rides, but in general, the total number of people ready to walk till the stands and bargain the prices with the drivers has severely gone down. So, even if a commission is taken the total number of rides is going to be higher and makes the demand for ride-sharing app solution providers higher.

    8. E-Learning App Solutions

    When big universities turned their classes into online modes, we realized that it wasn’t an impossible feat like we were once made to believe. E-learning app solutions have a better-structured content than most university or school-based content, hence it has unofficially become a go-to place for your academic doubts and cravings.

    9. Delivery App Solutions

    There is a huge growth in demand for a delivery app solution in big cities nowadays. At first, it did not seem to be a very viable business, but then the realization that instead of physically travelling and getting something, having it delivered for a much cheaper rate and reducing the risk of travelling through the pandemic has really helped to make it feasible. Software development companies are hired for making such apps.

    10. Laundry App Solutions

    Laundromat applications have a very sophisticated view of the simple activity of cleaning your clothing. From a well created laundry app solution, you can select from a variety of services, select the timing of the pick-up and drop off and even select the kind of products you want to be used on your clothes using a mobile application development company. Unlike before, clothing has become a very costly commodity. No one really wears clothes just to cover themselves. It has become a method of showing your personality.


    Outsourcing work has always been around for tech companies especially, but it was always kept aside for talents that were difficult to find locally. Nowadays companies hire dedicated developers, it becomes easier and more viable. It would make the work cost-effective, will get better time management, better talents etc.

    There are many different apps for almost everything nowadays. Businesses are getting more inclined towards hiring the on demand app development company to fulfill these growing trend needs. A lot of businesses are unintentionally getting disrupted, but it’s inevitable with the advancement of technology, and is expected as competition between businesses in the same sectors.

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