
    4 Do’s and Don’ts of Instagram Marketing that you must know

    Instagram as a marketing tool is still a relatively young marketing function and can cause a certain amount of stress for businesses. While it is understood that Instagram is a necessary part of your marketing strategy, some may not fully comprehend how it works, what to post, how often to post, or what is appropriate. This leads to a lot of confusion and wasted time investments that do not have the desired effect. Instagram can be a rather fickle mistress as it is very trendy and current, and many businesses and even marketers do not realize the potential that this monster has.

    The key to getting Instagram to work for you is to understand firstly how it works, who you are trying to reach and what the target wants. By identifying some simple do’s and don’ts you can gain valuable insight into the inner workings of this social phenomenon and how it can be a valuable asset to your business’s marketing efforts in order to increase your followers’ growth without buying Instagram followers from this trusted source.

    Instagram Marketing

    Don’t be all about you

    If all you do is talk about your business specifically, or your products, people will inevitably tune you out and stop following. After all few things are as annoying as pushy sales people that don’t care about anything except closing the deal. These are just a few of the do’s and don’ts of Instagram marketing. You can always train yourself and learn about it.

    Make use of the SEO available to you

    Twitter and Instagram both offer hashtags that make your posts more searchable and easier to find by those with an interest in some aspect of your business. Familiarizing yourself with keywords and tags that are commonly used will yield you better results than overlooking this aspect altogether. This is an easy way to expand your Instagram reach by optimizing to social search functions.

    It’s a two-way street:

    One huge mistake that can be made is that you expect your public to offer up praise, comments and feedback without prompting or interaction. You will need to foster a genuine relationship with your followers and engage them in conversation in order to make them want to interact with you. This means asking them questions that they will want to respond to and inviting their opinions.

    You will also want to be very sure that you pay attention when customers or followers make an attempt to interact with you. Few things are less upsetting than feeling like your words are falling upon deaf ears or that you are being ignored. Those times when you fail to acknowledge a message or tweet from a follower, they will end up feeling forgotten and as if you really don’t care about their input and opinions.

    Keep the controversy to a minimum

    It is preferable if you avoid controversial topics altogether. That is not to say that you need to stand for nothing, but if you choose to voice your opinion on a political or controversial topic, be prepared for the backlash that may follow. After all, not everyone will agree with your opinion and it could end up costing you sales and favor among consumers.

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