
    5 Important Steps for Proofreading and Revising

    Proofreading is an inspection for grammar, sentence sequence or disorder and spelling errors. You should always check carefully as the last step in essay writing. It also plays a key role in best dissertation writing services.

    Adjustment in essay basically going back over your assignment and making required changes that improve the logic, organization of arguments, sentence structure, word choice with excellence, and grammar. Reviewing your assignment is the important step which makes or breaks your assignment and often determines your grade positive or negative. Essay writing help also critically keep an eye on such sensitive issues.

    Make sure your word processing program has a grammar and spelling check. Remember, never use a word document without having this necessary check! We are always discouraged to take a student paper with numerous mistakes that any word processing program would have found.

    You can also start using Grammarly and now depend on it to catch my typing errors and to remind you of more effective ways to write essays. Furthermore, to get the most out of any grammar and spelling check, be sure to notice errors you make again and again.

    • Read Your Paper Out Loud

    To have perfect writing assignment, follow the below mentioned tricks:

    • Relook at your essay and read it out loud (or have someone else read it for you while you look at a copy). Reading aloud brakes you down and supports you see important stuff you miss.
    • Take a print out in a hard copy. Research recommends that using a hard copy rather than a computer screen also supports you to see mistakes more effectively.
    • Watch for own written sentences that you need to re-read. If you find you stumble over some words, or have to re-read a phrase, you may want to consider re-writing that sentence to make it understandable
    • First Word Check

    Read your paper and highlight the first word of every sentence. If there are two sentences in a paragraph that start with the same word, then modify one of them by adding another similar word.

    In case, you don’t use the same words over and over, your writing will have a more professional look. Adding transition words exactly improves the content quality of your essay because these words support you to link your ideas.  Use it to have better grades.

    • Subjects and Verbs

    Highlight the subjects and verbs in every sentence. You are going to do this to evaluate for two things: good use of verbs and commas in your dissertation writing.

    1. Are you using interesting and active verbs when these are required? Do you apply the same verbs too frequently? Try to avoid using the passive tense and add interesting verbs. Check in a thesaurus if you can’t think of a better word, or Grammarly premium will help or other online platforms.
    2. Is there anything in the sentence before the subject? Put a comma between those introductory elements and the subject. Example: When leaving the house, I locked the doors. When coming to the office, I checked my bag.
    • Punctuation

    If you have completed the step above, you have probably targeted many of the most common comma and related errors.

    Preliminary elements in a sentence (anything word or phrase that comes before the subject). Example: Certainly, some student in my class will fail to recall to spell check, and the errors in writing will drive me crazy!

    In between items in a list. Example: She remembered to apply spell and grammar check, highlight and check her first words, and double-check her punctuation as well.

    Before and after quotations. Example: The instructor stated, “I know you will get an excellent grade on your paper,” when I turned it in on Tuesday.

    The above-mentioned tips are also applicable for dissertation writing services as they also have to check grammar and quality of the essays.

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