
    5 Most Important Things in your Kitchen

    To make your kitchen more appealing and enjoyable while cooking then you should have the most important tools and ingredients that make you stay for long time in a kitchen.

    Aside from the clean environment, design and safety there are some other things and tools that can help and make the day more cheerful. Here we discuss, the 5 most important things in your kitchen.

    Some of these tools are not noticeable and attractive while roaming around the market but actually these are “should have” tools for every kitchen to enjoy safe and more hygienic food. The Focus on these tools would be in all aspect and will actually remind you that these are meant be tools at your table.

    coffee makers

    Here are the details of the 5 most important things in your kitchen. Although there can be many other things like coffee makers and electric knives etc. But the below mentioned things are most important and essential.

    • Knives

    Everything starts in a kitchen with knives. If you don’t have the best, sharp, heavier, stainless and easy to feel in hand knives then you should worry about that because you can’t do chopping, cutting and slicing without a good knife.

    Its look a lot handy to have different knives on your kitchen table for every occasion. Some of the good knives to have in a kitchen are Serrated Knife, German-made Wusthuf chef’s knife and Global G2 8-inch Chef’s knife.

    These knives are not just about cutting and chopping the bakes, vegetables or meat but these are about to save the time over cutting due to sharpness and make you work like professional in a kitchen. The easy and normal feel those knife gives you the safety while using and prevent you from causing a lot of cuts and injuries.

    The finest thing about the knives is the one time buy because the material as well as the sharpness of the knives so hard, stiff and durable that you would be needing to buy them over again.

    The Uses of these knife are safe cutting and chopping, never need sharpening and gives a normal feel in a hand to avoid cuts. These knives are easily available in the market with a reasonable price ranged from $80 to $150. The Vegetable knives like Serrated knife is cheaper than the other ranged from $15 to $30.

    • Electric Hand Mixer

    You are tired of mixing the things in a kitchen especially eggs then try Electric hand mixer, will save the day. These Electric hand mixers are easy to carry in one hand to mix different item ranged from baking to meal item easily, completely and with no time.

    The tool is a small electric or charger machine with a mixer at the other end where you pore it in a bowl full of baking items, boiled potatoes or eggs and now the non-electric grinders or mixer is a thing in a past.

    This tool is a lot easier to mix variety of item depending upon the suspension and saturation of the item. Some items may need a higher variety of Mixer other than hand mixer depending upon the softness of the food.

    The Mixer came in a variety of design models depends upon your use. If you use is a lot like in baking stuff or salad mixing then you should probably be getting the Mixer with build in compartment or whisk and without the handheld model.

    Varies from hand handle to build in stand mixer, some of them also have mixing power that can gain edge over other. With higher speed, the mixer became costlier. Easily available in the market with affordable price ranged from $15 to $60 depending upon your choice and design. Hamilton Beach hand mixer, Black+Decker and Vonshef mixer ranged from $15 to $30 but if you want a good mixer high speed and more option then try KitchenAid Speed Digital Hand mixer for $54.

    The main pros of the Hand mixer are Complete, Timely, and easily mixing of the food material in kitchen.

    • Blender

    A handy tool for blending the puree food items to whip soup and sauce or cream and sauces. A tool that should be on the table while baking or cooking. Some items are not easy to pore directly to the pot and need to mixed completely and timely.

    Blender can be easily be find in the market with varieties of model ranged from immerser to a multi speed immersion blender with reasonable and affordable price. The simple immerser blender is a nice small and a simple functioned tool to puree food directly to the container in with its being prepared.

    This tool had a lot of function in a kitchen to mixed dense item like mayonnaise for boiled eggs, cheese for dessert food. A lot of time can be saved with this tool.

    Hand blender are cheaper than counter top or All in one Multi speed immersion blender. Hand blender ranged from $25(Mueller Austria) to $80 (Breville control Grip immersion blender)

    • Measuring spoons and Cups

    You don’t want to put extra sugar, salts, oil in recipe then you should have those Measuring spoon and cups combination on the table. A small tool that can make your recipe tastier by putting the exact amount of ingredients that is needed while cooking.

    A full set of measuring cups and spoons is a nicer touch to your table and also an important and wiser thing to have in a kitchen while cooking. These cups help you to pore the exact amount of liquid, dry item and for the ingredients that can be leveled off wouldn’t charge for a fortune but will help to make and maintain the exact taste in recipe over time.

    These measuring cups came with handle to pore the item for the recipe easier, faster and more accurately. Easily available in the market from $5 to $20 depends upon your items.

    • Instant Read Thermometer

    A quit simple tool to spare yourself in kitchen from “when it will be done”. Instant Read Thermometer helps you to know exactly when will be meat be done in a pot. It’s a small handy tool with just one and important role of telling you the exact time when will be the recipe done.

    Instant Thermometer helps you to read the temperature in just 4 second by pouring the antenna in a pot. This handy tool will help to understand the exact cooked time. A good device for hygienic cooking to prevent the recipe from over cooking.

    Easily available in the market with just $25 and now you will know when the recipe is done.

    These are the most important things in your kitchen. You would be needing them time to time in your kitchen and hence your cooking will reach perfection.

    To easily keep your kitchen clean, you can consider buying automatic trash can.

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