
    5 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Blog

    Are you still contemplating about starting your own personal blog, but you don’t have the urge to go ahead and create your blog?

    In this post, I would explain 5 reasons why you need to start a blog and if you have decided to create your blog, you can read how to create a blog within 10 minutes.

    Most blogger starts blogging as a hobby, but when the hobby starts generating revenue, they turn it to a full-time business with the established blogger in different niche making more than $10,000 per month.

    This has made many people to start blogging because of the money that they can make from their blog. Blogging is one of the few ways of making money online, if you are tired of quick rich scheme about how to make money online, you can start blogging as a business.

    People use various medium to express their thought and feeling, some use pictures, video, painting, blogging and so many more. The medium you choose depends on your choice.

    Blogging involves spending a small amount of money to buy a domain name, web hosting, theme, and plugin. This makes the difference between a successful blog with thousands of reader and blog with low visitor.  

    5 Reasons Why You Need To Start a Blog

    New blogger makes some mistake in their blogging journey before they become a professional blogger with thousands of reader every day.

    If you are thinking of starting your personal blog and you are not sure if starting a blog is what you need at the moment, I would explain 5 reasons why you need to start a blog.

    1. Improve Writing Skill

    Blogging involves publishing an article on your blog, the article you publish needs to be filled with fact and easy for your reader to understand.

    Most blogger when starting their new blog don’t have the writing skill and become better with time and practice. Yoast SEO helps you to write better and how to include a keyword that you want to rank for in your post.

    If you want to your post to be index by Google your article needs to be original, free from grammatical error and longer than 300 words. Blogger finds it easier to write longer content around 1500 – 2000 words easily with time.

    1. Building Relationship with their follower

    Blogging make it easier for you to build a valuable relationship with your follower, other blogger in your niche, and so many more. With the right strategy, you might be invited to seminar as guest speaker. When you build a relationship with your follower, you know more about the subject you are blogging about and if you are lucky you can be invited for an interview.

    You can also reach out to brand and companies for sponsored post on your blog, the amount of money you demand depends on your negotiating skill and blog monthly visitor.

    1. Become an authority in Your Niche

    Before you can write an article to be published in your niche, you need to research the article that you want to write about. By researching about new topics you know more about the topics and with time you become an authority in your niche.

    1. Money

    Blogging is no serious business with established blogger making a fortune out of blogging. The little amount of money you invested in your blog can be recouped after some month and when the traffic of your blog increases your blog revenue would increase as well.

    To increase your blog revenue, you need to increase your blog traffic by:

    • Sharing your post on social media
    • Build high-quality backlink to increase your blog domain authority
    • Guest post on blog with high monthly visitor
    • Reach out to social media influencer to share your blog post.

    You can also sell your blog after some year if you don’t have the time and energy to invest again on flippa. The amount you sell depends on your blog monthly revenue and monthly page view.

    1. Learning New Skill

    When you start your new blog, there are some skills that you don’t know that is crucial to the success of your blog. Skill like:

    • Graphic Design
    • Social Media Marketing
    • SEO
    • Writing
    • Web Design

    With time you start learning this skill and before you know it, you already master the skill and you can teach other people.

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