
    5 Tips you should follow to prevent Abuse on Instagram

    Millions of netizens spend long hours on social networking sites every single day. This is not surprising as social media allow users to communicate without glitches, and share files without hassle. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn, and other websites also allowed users to constantly keep in touch in ways that may not be possible through other means.

    Yet the superfluous convenience also gave the other side of the coin. While it alleviates the difficulty of exchanging life updates, it also paved the way the incessant overuse and abuse. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram etc. became the avenue for cyber-bullying and identity theft. Unscrupulous users and opportunist merchants also utilize the websites to publish derogatory information about their competition. And just as these media are used for marketing, they also become instruments in incurring damages.

    5 Tips you should follow to prevent Abuse on Instagram

    Individual users are also not spared. Many young girls have been victimized by sexual assaults. Some have been robbed through their bank accounts, while others have experienced dealing with frauds. As a smart and discerning user of social websites, you can stop the vicious practices. You can stop Instagram abuse.

    Here are some of the things that you can do:

    1. Get as much information as you can about cybercrime. Knowing how hackers attack can reveal methods on how you can do some counter attacks. Getting a heads up on the modus of hackers in luring users to fraudulent sites along with their tactics to get confidential information, this can help you avoid the traps.
    2. Read the fine print. The cure for cancer may be in the Terms and Policy page, and no one may be aware of it. This was an old joke, but it reflects a sad reality: users rarely pay attention to the privacy policies of social sites before (or even after) they sign up. Reading the agreement lets you know your responsibilities and Instagram’s liabilities in cases of abuse.
    3. Think before you click. Not because you can share anything means you should. Be mindful of the information you place on Instagram. Keep personal information in private. Never reveal your real name, home address, home phone numbers or office contact details.
    4. Limit the visibility of the profile. As much as possible, your page should be viewable only by people you know personally. This blocks possible entryways for intruders and bullies.
    5. Report abuse to the website administrator. Instagram comes with features that can directly report abuse and spams. Most networks have also integrated this function to provide protection to their users. Remember to report any offenses to the Instagram authorities. They have the ability to suspend access or ban the offenders. If you are running a business account, make your contact details public and buy Instagram followers to increase your influence on Instagram.

    In most countries, cybercrimes are already punishable under the law. Keeping your vigilance, therefore, gives you a ticket to partake in the conscious effort to eradicate misdemeanors in the World Wide Web.

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