
    6 Benefits Of Using Gutenberg Blocks In WordPress

    Gutenberg was launched in WordPress 5.0 in December 2018. It is actually introduced as a block editor where all elements of the content like video, image, audio etc. are been considered as a single block.

    Next, you can arrange these blocks according to your needs and thereby format your blog post accordingly.

    Initially, there was so much resistance in using Gutenberg but over the time people became used to these block editors.

    Today, Gutenberg is a default block editor in the WordPress and besides formatting the content it is also used for full site editing and formatting experience.

    So, what are we waiting for? Let’s dive in Gutenberg blocks benefits right in below.

    • Flexibility

    This is the greatest benefit of using the Gutenberg blocks. These blocks are so flexible that you can use it anywhere in your content and also used to edit your website or blog layout.

    Yes, Gutenberg are simply blocks that can be added anywhere on the blog. 

    Further, if incase any editing is required then you can also edit the same easily without any hassles.

    You can simply change the sequence of these blocks by sampling click on the blocks up and down arrows.

    In short, these blocks are so flexible to use then once you are used to Gutenberg, you will definitely love to use it.

    Gutenberg includes everything

    Starting from social media sharing to cover page or sliders the Gutenberg includes everything in it.

    You can replace your page builder with Gutenberg at any time.

    Furthermore, since Gutenberg includes every possible feature in it, you can use it anywhere on your blog.

    Next, since it is default block editor in the WordPress, it is highly advisable to use Gutenberg for your needs rather than installing any other plugins on your blog.

    No Coding Required

    Yes, the Gutenberg are easy to use and no coding required to change or modify it.

    If you are not technical or known the programming language then Gutenberg is best to use.

    Like Page Builder, Gutenberg can be used like Drag and Drop builder.

    Just drag and drop the block you require and then added to your blog.

    Default available in WordPress Site

    This Gutenberg block editor is available default in the WordPress version 5.0 and greater.

    Since this is available by default, upgrading to version of WordPress site will not create any problem to you.

    Unlike normal plugin where once you uninstalled the plugin all formatting and layout will get disappear this will not happen here.

    If in future WordPress remove these Gutenberg then it will also provide you alternate arrangement for the same.

    No Plugin Required

    The last but not least, you don’t require install any plugin for Social Media Sharing, Sliders, Columns and Rows, Grid Layout etc., if you are using Gutenberg on your site.

    Gutenberg alone is capable enough to perform all these tasks without installing any plugin. Infact, you also don’t require to install any page builder plugin for creating the beautiful layout.

    Speed up your Blog

    Unlike any page builder, the default Gutenberg block is fast enough and don’t impact the loading speed of your blog online. Been this available as default with WordPress, it is highly advisable to use this to optimize and improve the loading speed of your blog online.

    Wrapping Up

    From above all you can clearly observe that how Gutenberg blocks are so useful?

    I strongly suggest you to use Gutenberg on your site instead of installing various plugin and using any page builder service to build beautiful layout.

    At last, as usual feel free to contact me if in case any more detailed clarification is required on Gutenberg block editors of WordPress site.

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