
    6 Online File Sharing Tips and Tricks

    Online file sharing is a kind of technology that has evolved incredibly in recent years. The principles behind it are the same ones that the internet was originally founded on. Information should be shared, and people’s work should be able to be shared easily.

    Originally, this kind of idea was restricted to HTML files that helped display web pages. But now it includes photoshop files, source code, films, literature, and almost anything else. If someone creates something online, it can be shared easily.

    To learn more about how to easily share your work with other people, just keep reading below!

    1. WeTransfer is Popular For Big Companies

    Most people outside the tech and business world have likely never heard of WeTransfer. The service is a bit of a secret for most average internet users since it caters to a specific kind of person — professionals. WeTransfer is the go-to solution for people who routinely send documents to other people.

    The service is designed to be a short-term solution for when someone needs to download a document immediately. People easily upload files to their accounts and receive a link directing others to it. Then, they can share that link with the people who need it in an email or a text message.

    By clicking that link, people can go through a WeTransfer directory to find the files they need. So, professionals can just drag and drop their project folders onto the website. Then, people can temporarily browse through it to find the documents they need.

    It makes work go easier and makes sharing files from a long-distance simpler. As a result, it helps make sure all workers can stay on track and get their work done!

    1. Don’t Ditch The Classics — Dropbox is Effective

    Dropbox is one of the first cloud services to hit the mainstream. People realized that they could simply use Dropbox like the file system on their computers, dragging files onto it so they could access them anywhere. The service rapidly developed, creating a file system manager built into computers and many other file management features.

    Since it has been around for so long, there are tons of people who have Dropbox accounts. People intuitively know how to use it, and so sharing files with it is simple. However, there is one issue that comes as a result of being around for so long.

    Many users have disorganized accounts, with files of all kinds being randomly placed in their Dropbox. Luckily, the company realized this and created ways for people to easily navigate and sort their files. You can go to this link to learn more about how to stay organized on Dropbox.

    1. Google Drive Is Instantaneous and Useful

    Once Dropbox and other kinds of services became successful, Google decided they wanted a piece of the nation. They developed Google Drive, which functions similarly to Dropbox. It’s intuitive to use and works seamlessly on all systems, but the company also made more than a file manager.

    They developed a suite of document creators — Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets. These programs give people the power to write and work without ever having to leave the document manager they created. Since the programs are constantly online, they also have unique features.

    People can work on documents simultaneously, instantly sharing notes and tips with others. Documents are saved automatically, and they can be published easily too. Google created more than a cloud service — they created a whole suite of productivity tools.

    1. iCloud Gives Users Backups When They Need It

    If you use any kind of Apple device, then whether you realize it or not you have an iCloud account. This is a service built into everything Apple makes, and it’s designed to make your devices secure. It automatically backs everything up in the background, storing files so you never lose them.

    However, it also keeps devices secure through unique authentication methods. To use a device registered to a particular user, people need to sign in as that user. Whether they sign in or not, the device’s location is also recorded so it can be easily found.

    That way, people can keep track of their devices and their files at the same time. It’s a good way to prevent theft and makes Apple’s devices that much more valuable.

    1. Sharing Files Online Can Get Complicated, Go Old Fashioned

    Before technology improved to where it is today, sharing files was actually a lot less complicated. To share a file, you saved it onto a different drive — usually a USB flash drive. Then, you would physically carry that flash drive to friends or colleagues.

    From there, they could just drag the files onto their own system and save them onto their own computers. While it’s inconvenient to have to hand people files in person, this also helps make file transfers more secure. You have to already know the person sharing the drive with you, so there is hardly any chance of accidentally getting a virus.

    Plus, the original owners of the files can track how those files are distributed. It helps ensure their work never leaks to people it isn’t supposed to reach.

    1. Avoid Security Risks With Your Own Cloud

    One of the best ways to stay secure, control user privileges, and keep document sharing easy is to make your own cloud. You don’t need the thousands of services that Google has to create a cloud. All you need is an old computer and a good internet connection.

    There are tons of tutorials online to help you through the process of creating your own cloud. Basically, all you need to do is download a unique kind of software onto your old computer. Then, you just need to follow prompts on creating a drive and account to turn it into a cloud.

    From there, you just need to log onto the drive you make from another device, using the same kind of software. After doing that, you can transfer files wirelessly and easily, without relying on a big corporation.

    Online File Sharing is Easy and Necessary

    Online file sharing is one of the most important features of the internet. It’s how information is shared in the way it is, and it’s how you’re reading this article right now. It has only appeared on your screen because an HTML document was shared with your device.

    The same principles behind sharing your latest project with someone through Dropbox help keep the internet running. And to learn more about how to share files and how technology works, keep reading our website here!

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