
    6 Ways to Manage Employee Stress During the Coronavirus Outbreak

    Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way we manage our personal and professional lives. During this uncertainty, social distancing is the best thing we can do right now to decrease the risk of virus. But at the same time, social distancing and self-isolation can be stressful. 

    We all have experienced fear and spikes in anxiety every minute. Flashing of a news report, updated health statistics, and social media posts were intended to keep us updated. However, these best intentions can bring undue stress and worry. 

    Don’t you feel that recognizing and coping with the stress in a positive, healthy way can help us remain calm? 

    Let’s dig deep and find out how your employee can manage our stress level during this uncertainty. 

    6 Steps That Can Help You To Manage Your Stress

    1. Automate Your Tasks: A reliable technology is a crucial part of the organization right now. Managing your work from home is difficult. To make it easy, employees can use recruitment analytic solutions to reduce manual screening of resumes. The tools like a resume parser can parse resumes/jobs in a scalable manner. It allows recruiters to extract the candidate information from resumes in predefined data fields. 
    1. Setup Virtual Social Events: We are working remotely right now that means your employees need to stay connected. Managers can set virtual meetings for team meetups. Start spending some time with your team via virtual coffee breaks or can say happy hours. These will help you to reduce the feeling of stress. Staying in touch with your team, will help you and your team coordinate a lot while working. Also, always stay in touch with your family and close friends regularly via virtual calling, text, etc.  
    1. Be Inclusive While Sharing Information: Make sure to keep your employees informed when any new and important changes occur. Be transparent while communicating with any employee. During such time you should always share important information in a written format, even if you announce it during a meeting. It will also be helpful for each teammate to recall the new information. 
    1. Minimize the Changes: During such uncertain times, most employees’ routines are changing. Try to balance offering flexibility with limiting the number of disruptions. For example, employees are working from a new location but keep them engaged through virtual meetings and calls. This will help your team to maintain some consistency to work and to stay in touch. 
    1. Entertain Yourself: Comfort yourself and get ready to commit hours of your life to view something which entertains you. You can pick up a hobby like painting, cooking, etc. Engage your kids by playing Disney or any other animated movies, keep them occupied for hours at once. Play games like puzzles, a board game, do a treasure hunt, tackle a project, or start a new book unrelated to the current situation. This way, you will get some ‘me’ time. 
    1. Maintain a Healthy Diet: We all know that stress can adversely affect our eating habits and metabolism. The perfect way to combat stress or emotional eating is to be mindful of what triggers stress eating and be ready to fight the urge. Keeping healthy snacks on hand will help nourish our bodies. 

    I am following these steps to manage my stress. I believe this will add a sense of normalcy that can go a long way to help you cope with the ever-changing environment. And keep helping those who need your help around you.

    Author’s bio:

    Lovepreet Dhaliwal works with RChilli Inc, a leading resume parsing software provider which helps in speeding up your recruitment process. An MBA in HR and marketing, he has over eight years of work experience in business development and strategic sales.

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