
    9 Examples Of Successful Content Marketing On Youtube

    Everyone is talking about content marketing. According to a report by the Content Marketing Forum, the investment rate in this business area is growing by around 8 percent annually – and the trend is rising! Videos can play a very important role in this. In this article, we will introduce you to video formats that are part of a successful content marketing strategy. 

    The three dimensions of content marketing

    Before you begin, it’s important to understand that there are different types of content. In addition to the medium (text, audio, image, video, etc.), this also means the content that is to be conveyed. Basically, content marketing is always about serving the interests and needs of the identified target group, i.e. providing them with added value that is only aimed at the company’s own interests such as sales in the second step. 

    There are three different types of content:

    Help content

    Help Content provides the viewer with useful information on a question, a problem or a general interest. The tonality is objective, explanatory and supportive. As the second largest search engine in the world, YouTube is of course the ideal platform for providing video content. Just like with Google, users search for specific search terms on YouTube. The video provider can take advantage of this by including relevant keywords in the title, description text or as a hashtag below his video.

    This also shows a fundamental advantage of YouTube over other social media channels: YouTube content does not simply disappear in a feed, but can be found over the long term. The more often the video is clicked and the longer it is viewed, the better the visibility will be in the long term. Even without paid ads, a video provider can draw attention to itself.

    Inspirational content

    Inspirational content should stimulate the viewer to think about a certain topic or task. It offers ideas, instructions or simple mood pictures that stimulate the consumer’s creativity.

    Since the beginning of Corona, for example, we have been able to observe many hardware store chains that have shared content on home improvement projects on YouTube.

    The goal is clear: potential customers should be encouraged to use their (increased) free time for renovation and construction projects. Ultimately, these videos should lead to the customer going to the hardware store and buying the necessary products for his project there.

    Entertaining content

    The third category is all about entertainment. The focus here is on exciting, funny or unconventional narration, in short: storytelling. 

    From an entrepreneurial point of view, it is absolutely recommendable to develop an explicit YouTube strategy and to produce targeted content for the channel or the users. Among other things, the frequency of the uploaded videos plays a role. It is not just the YouTube algorithm that honors new content being published at least once a week. The viewers also appreciate it when they can regularly expect new, high-quality content. This is also reflected, for example, in growing subscriber numbers – a development that can also be observed in the podcast market. 

    Hornbach is one of the best-known hardware store chains in Germany. On its YouTube channel, which has around 224,000 subscribers, the company gives helpful tips and tricks on renovation and craftsmen. 

    In this Globetrotter video that we produced, it’s all about finding the right hiking pants. A simple and authentic way to present your own products and point out their advantages.  

    For E.ON we produced an explanatory video in which everything revolves around the installation of a smart home technology. There are other interesting examples of help videos on the channel. 

    Inspirational videos 

    At Spring lane you can find many delicious recipe ideas and interviews with well-known chefs like Tim Melzer. The company actually sells kitchen appliances – but of course as a viewer you don’t just want to see the chic mixer, but also what you can conjure up with it. 

    Westwing also understood the secret of content marketing. The home story with Sylvie Meis not only offers interior fans new furnishing ideas, but also attracts all those who are passionately interested in the private lives of celebrities like Ms. Meis.  

    A somewhat older example from our portfolio that nevertheless conveys the idea of ​​inspirational content: the make-up tutorial from Tchibo, in which current make-up products from the Tchibo range are presented and demonstrated using an exemplary look. 

    Entertaining videos 

    Our recruiting campaign for FREE NOW is the classic entertaining content. Here we have produced very authentic portraits of employees who give potential applicants an insight into the culture and development opportunities in the company: real characters who also tell their story in addition to their everyday work and appear very approachable. The video is part of a multi-part series in which we discussed various job profiles within the FREE NOW recruiting target group. 

    Another example from our own ranks: The image film for the Erfurt airport on behalf of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Here it becomes clear how important emotional elements such as light, music and image composition are for the perception of the content. True to the motto: a good story has to be told well! With the aim of making Thuringia an attractive federal state for company locations and company founders, real stories were told by inspiring personalities and collectives. 

    Last but not least, another popular BVG classic. This shows that a crazy idea sometimes works better than any impressive corporate film.  


    Video marketing is versatile and colorful. What might seem overwhelming at first is actually a huge opportunity for companies. Because you decide for yourself where your strengths lie, what interests your target group and with which content you can best achieve your goals. Ideally, your portfolio naturally consists of a mix of informative, inspiring and entertaining content.

    Building a corporate channel on YouTube successfully and strategically effectively is also a major challenge. This requires a lot of know-how and staying power. Just like a company blog, a YouTube channel should not only be seen as a cost factor, but above all as an investment and future success factor for your own visibility. Because the higher the audience reach, the lower the costs per click, as more and more organic traffic can be generated without a media budget.

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