
    Benefits of AI In Recent Times

    Okay, before going to the article, let us first understand what recent times mean. Does it signify the present time? And the title, benefits of AI or artificial intelligence in recent or present times is a new topic. The reason, AI has brought about many changes in various industries. All for the better. Isn’t it a surprise? In this article, let us focus on the benefits of the new technology, AI in recent times.

    But Where is Artificial Intelligence?

    Artificial Intelligence

    Have a look around yourself. The fact is you are using the application without your knowledge. Yes, you may have received notifications from Facebook or you may give commands to the Siri from Apple. Yes, you are using AI in multiple methods.

    Is everybody in favor of artificial intelligence?

    The truth is a big NO. Not many are in favor of artificial intelligence. While some are afraid, that it has something to do with losing their jobs because of robots, there are others who feel a supercomputer may make us humans as slaves. However, the people with the positives are more than the negative sayers of AI. And this can work in the future innovations concerning AI.

    The main reason, many disfavor artificial intelligence may be because of the films iRobot and the Terminator series. In these blockbuster films, machines or computers become enemies of the human race. So, the thought that a supercomputer may become harmful in the future may have entrenched in the subconscious mind of humans. But in reality, at present, the humans and artificial intelligence applications work in perfect combination with each other.

    Artificial Intelligence

    If asked to decipher AI, the answer will come as the software that can use as well as analyze data, programmes, and algorithms to do the right actions. Now, shall we look at the benefits of the new technology, AI in recent times?

    Shall we take a simple study of artificial intelligence in recent times?

    Have you ever interacted with Siri or Alexa? If asked a question, these devices will give perfect responses. Courtesy, the AI applications. But they cannot answer complex questions. Yes, there is the next level of AI called Machine Learning and Deep Learning. These two applications make use of artificial neural networks to solve complex queries.

    The limits of artificial intelligence are entirely boundless. Shall we look at one of them? In recent times, many companies are opting for chatbots to give responses to their customers. Usually, these chatbots are used in situations, where the same questions asked again and again. For example, you reside in Mumbai and have a desktop computer at home. The computer needs a maintenance service as it gets heated in a short time. Now, you have booked the best expert skilled in computer repair in Mumbai via a home improvement company. You called the number on the website and placed the request. But did you know that the booking was done by a chatbot? So, this aspect is one of the benefits of AI in recent times.

    1. Content Creation

    Content Creation

    There are many newspapers such as Forbes and Washington Post, which makes use of Artificial Intelligence for writing articles. In short, you feed the required data into the AI tool and the article gets generated. Usually, you can see dozens of sports articles written by the AI tool.

    1. Virtual Teachers

    Virtual Teachers

    Shall we take another case study? You work as a senior level executive in a home improvement company in Mumbai. Now, you want to move high up the ladder. So, you enroll in a virtual training course. The class is conducted by teachers, but for any clarification, you have to put the questions in the forum. Then the question gets read, and you get the response. But the answer is given by an AI chatbot and not a human. This is another aspect of AI in recent times.

    1. Tesla


    Have you heard about Elon Musk and its electronic cars? This car also makes use of self-driving capabilities. In the future, you will get cabs without drivers. The entire concept revolves around artificial intelligence. Now, a car has to have a proper driving system installed in place. It needs to stop in a traffic signal. It also should know to stop at places where pedestrians are crossing the road. The program used is artificial intelligence.

    1. Netflix


    Yes, you may sit on the couch and watch the Netflix show, but do you know that the streaming site is storing each information on your activity? Very soon, you will get notifications similar to your taste.


    These are some benefits of AI in the present day. Yes, there are other benefits, but we will discuss them in the future. Do you always like to remain updated on the recent trends? Then you just need to subscribe to our newsletter.

    Originally posted 2019-02-27 15:46:19.

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