In the generation where technology has taken over the world, everywhere people are busy on social media. It is a time when people prefer to interact with a total stranger on the internet than talking to a person sitting next to them. It is said that ‘It’s not important to have a long list of friends on Facebook and Whatsapp but it is important to have one friend who can read your Face as Book and can ask What’s Up!. There are many reasons for why camping is good for you. There is a lot of importance of camping activity, especially for the youth. It nourishes their social bond with friends and family.
It is important to take a break once in a while, to enjoy the life out of the web, to improve your bond with the friends who are very close to you. Going out in the real world and talking to people face to face helps in boosting your confidence. So, get out this summer, book your flight tickets through Spicejet via TalkCharge and get exclusive Spicejet coupons for better ticket price. Enjoy the beauty of nature at its best.
Here are some points to support Benefits of going for camping with friends.
- Talk to each other face to face without using emoticons but actual facial expressions
We use our phone every day and are habitual of using different kinds of emojis even if that is not what we are feeling. Try getting away from your phone, try being inactive on the social media for few days. Enjoy the beauty of nature with your friends. Yaa, you could photobomb and post the pictures later but instead of being busy on social platforms interact with your friends and I bet it will feel great. If you have anything in your heart that you really want to vent about, go on, don’t be afraid, you couldn’t get a better place or time. Everybody needs perspective once in a while and you will find it there.
- Explore and spend some time with nature
Even couple of minutes of a beautiful view is soothing. Believe me! I have experienced that. You will literally forget every problem you had for those couple of minutes. Spend some time in nature and explore everything, let your curious self-come out of you. Unleash your creativity. Camping is a good way to deal with stress. If there is less stress in the environment you will open up and hence you could make new friends, some of which you can even carry for your entire life. You might have heard many stories of people meeting on a trip and later they turn out to be very good friends. You can really get friends for life.
- Improves Mood
Spending time in sunlight with a beautiful view in front of your eyes can help you balance out the level of chemical melatonin in the brain. It inhibits a feeling of entertainment and it also regulates sleep and wakefulness. So, if any of your friends are suffering from depression or are exhausted from their life take them out for camping. Camping improves mood and also cures depression. It induces a feeling of excitement and adventure and the person almost forgets every pain of his life. Being happy is the key to life and if anything is believed to make you happy then you ought to try it at least once.
If this blog has charged up the wanderlust in you. Book your flight tickets through Spicejet via TalkCharge and explore SpiceJet offers on flight booking and save more. Happy Travelling 🙂