
    Benefits that you will Obtain from free Wi-fi Stations and Rail

    It is worthy to say that WiFi has became the lifeline for people and business to operate. For this reason WiFi is offered free of cost in places where there is a huge involvement of people. By these place we mean to say, it can be shopping malls, restaurants, cafe and the most important place which is the lifeline of people is the railway stations and trains.

    WiFi is available in the stations via paid service or its price is included in the ticket price as a first class service to the passengers. Giving out free services like free wi-fi is not only beneficial to the passengers but also it is beneficial to the station and train operating companies. Here in this blog the main topic of discussion will be about the benefits that you as a passenger will enjoy if you are using train wi-fi technology, whether free of cost or at a premium price.

    The direct benefits associated with train wi-fi  technology are as follows

    • Passengers experience is improved
    • It enables passengers with the facility of work while travelling
    • For loyalty purpose it can be used to gather the passengers information

    Let’s have a look at every point mentioned above one by one

    Passengers experience is improved

    Passengers experience can be improved in many ways by the use of train wi-fi technology. First of all the passenger will not feel bore at all if he/she has been given the access of free wi-fi. Secondly a passenger can always be able to stay connected with their family members as well as with the office where the passenger works. And finally a passenger will always remain updated related to his travel, able to download applications and also have a time to time update of TOS news and different types of offers. This is not only beneficial to the passenger but also to the rail operating company as the passenger who had a great experience of train wi-fi technology will automatically refer to his family members and friends. This in turn increases the potential customers to rail operating companies.

    It enables passengers with the facility of work while travelling

    Due to day by day advancement of technology, many of the people are utilizing their daily travel medium to resume their work. If it is about railways then the passenger’s work doesn’t starts after boarding the train but it starts in the station itself. Station as well as the train wi-fi will give them access to their emails so that they can continue their work without any interruption.

    For loyalty purpose it can be used to gather the passengers information

    For new passengers it is mandatory to log on to the station or train wi-fi. For this reason new passengers will be asked to provide their few personal details and also their email address. The passengers also happily give their personal details as the services that they receive are worth of giving personal details and emails. For this reason passengers will have to login once only when he/she is travelling for the first time and from next time he will have access to ticket sales, station wi-fi and also TOC’s some of the loyalty schemes

    In short we can conclude this blog by mentioning the fact that train wi-fi technology has changed the view of passengers whose lifeline is railways. By changed view we mean that it has changed the meaning of travelling by train from tiring and boring experience to a fruitful and entertaining experience.

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