
    Best Practices for Android and iOS Security

    Developing an application for the Android and iOS platform can be daunting with the constant updates that companies like Google and Apple release to patch security vulnerabilities. In fact, developing applications for both platforms simultaneously can make it especially difficult to keep up with all the new changes and mandates.

    This article will go over what are considered best practices for each platform regarding Android Development Best Practices and iOS Security in order to help make your development process easier.

    Best Practices for Android and iOS Security

    Security Risks

    In today’s digital society, apps have become a ubiquitous part of life. Our phones have the power to help us find our way home, know where to shop, keep in touch with friends, read the news—literally anything you want to do, an app will exist that can make it happen. However, with great power comes greater responsibility. Without taking proper precautions on a regular basis through app protection measures such as authentication methods and encryption, an individual’s sensitive data can be exposed or exploited.

    Avoid Common Vulnerabilities

    Most of the time, people mistakenly refer to vulnerabilities as bugs, when in reality they are design flaws in code. It’s important to know the common bugs that exist in your app before releasing it to ensure a secure experience. When you release your app, be sure not to leave any potential areas vulnerable to attack by hackers. 

    Android Developers should use IntelliJ IDEA and Xamarin for fast software development. iOS Developers can use Objective-C or Swift programming languages with Xcode 9 or higher on Mac OSX operating system (macOS).

    Protect User Data

    Do not store sensitive data such as passwords in plaintext. Implement a PIN or biometric authentication to protect users against eavesdropping. As much as possible, encrypt data before storing it so that if it’s compromised the attacker can’t access the content.

    Finally, update your apps on a regular basis and make sure to push these updates out as quickly as possible to ensure all versions are secure. One last note – with the proliferation of software robots (bots) online today, you should always be aware of how vulnerable your app is to bot traffic. In general, keep any functionality available only after authenticated requests from authorized users only.

    Proper Encryption Uses

    It’s true, nobody is perfect when it comes to securing their accounts. We’re constantly making minor mistakes that compromise our personal information. However, there are ways to make it more difficult by adding layers of protection.

    One such technique is the use of encryption to protect your passwords in case someone manages to break into your account on your phone. When you input a password on an Android device, you have the option to encrypt it with a password or pattern unlock code. Both methods offer increased security but require different levels of user interaction (i.e., entering a pattern lock every time you open your app). In any case, this is one simple way to increase your level of data protection even if you think no one knows your password

    Don’t Preemptively Integrate Secure Components

    Creating a successful application can be challenging, but if you follow these best practices, you can create something that’s secure and stands the test of time. One way to do this is to use one-time hardware ID tokens when designing an app’s authentication component. This means that the software doesn’t store passwords or personal data like name or email, instead asking for it every time someone tries to log in.

    In addition, any password used should not be a dictionary word because those are usually easy to guess with today’s technology. If they are unavoidable, they should also never have letters from both upper case and lower case or have numbers on either side of the word. Instead, make them long strings that are difficult to crack.

    The same applies to usernames; avoid using admin or administrator. You might even consider using a pattern such as the first letter of each name followed by a number or symbol. Passwords should expire after 30 days, as most users often reuse their old ones without realizing that they’re no longer safe. Also include feedback so people know whether their input was correct before submitting it.

    Use Trusted Tools Where Possible

    It’s a wise decision to use trusted tools where possible, such as 2FA (2-factor authentication) if you’re using G Suite. If you’re not using G Suite, don’t put your private keys in the cloud or email them to people. There is a myriad of advanced hacking techniques that could allow a hacker access to your accounts or private information by posing as someone else or taking advantage of an error on your end. Make sure you enable multi-factor authentication where available too.

    Using something like Google Authenticator will help protect your account even if your username and password are stolen. Use Trusted Tools Where Possible: It’s a wise decision to use trusted tools where possible, such as 2FA (2-factor authentication) if you’re using G Suite. If you’re not using G Suite, don’t put your private keys in the cloud or email them to people.

    Keep the Codebase Clean, Simple, and Transparent

    It is essential to keep the codebase clean, simple, and transparent when developing an app. The best way to ensure that developers can modify your code easily is by using the newest coding techniques, such as the cloud. The more effective you make it for developers to read your code, the easier it will be for them to review it without much trouble. A developer will be able to tell if they need to update a project if they are having trouble reading or understanding what’s going on.

    Furthermore, it is vital not to overcomplicate your code with unnecessary files or codes because this just adds difficulty for other developers trying to understand what’s going on in your project. In addition, don’t include any secrets in the repository because someone could steal your company’s trade secrets or sensitive information.


    In the future, there will be a greater demand for protection from device hacking. For this reason, it is important that developers follow Android Development Best Practices. A good rule of thumb is to never store sensitive information in the device’s memory. It is also important to store data securely by encrypting any stored data before moving it to remote servers.

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