
    Clearing The Reading List iPhone And Mac

    Sometimes it’s essential to clear the reading list from the reading list iPhone and mac. If you do not periodically clean the Safari reading list on your iPhone or Mac device then it can overcrowd the browser with caches and webpages.

    So, in this article, we will provide you with some tricks and tips that will help you to clear the reading list iPhone and mac. It’s really simple and all you have to do is to follow the steps that we will show here.

    Clearing Safari Reading List iPhone & Mac

    Safari is one of the prime browsers of the iPhone and it’s also the default browser. The reading list feature in this browser allows people to add or even save webpages for later viewing or reading on their iOS devices. Reading list iPhone and mac is something that a lot of people do use on a daily basis.

    While it’s true that you can also bookmark the web pages in your safari browser, adding pages to the reading list allows you to access them even when you are offline. Moreover, this Safari reading can also be saved to the iCloud allowing you to access them whenever you want.

    However, if you continue to add content on your Reading List iPhone or Mac, then you may overcrowd the list with too many pages. Therefore, you should organize or clean them once in a while. So, how to even do that you may ask? It’s pretty simple and all you have to do is to follow a few steps to clean the reading list.

    1.     Clear The Reading List Contents On iPhone

    So, let’s start with you how can clear the reading list contents from your iPhone’s safari browser.

    • Open the Safari Browser on your iPhone and tap on the Bookmarks icon from the bottom menu.
    • Next, you need to tap on the Reading List, the glasses icon.
    • Once you go to the next screen, you need to tap on the Edit option.
    • Select the pages that you want to clear from the reading list and then tap on the delete option in the bottom menu. Alternatively, you can also swipe left an item that you want to delete from the Reading List iPhone.

    2.     How To Clear The Reading List On Mac

    MacOS also provides you with the option to clear individual items from the Reading List. In fact, it also comes up with an option that lets you delete all the items at once. So, we can say that it’s pretty convenient.

    • First of all, you need to open the Safari Browser on a Mac system. Thereafter click on the View Tap in the top menu and select the Show Reading List Sidebar option that’s visible in the drop-down menu.
    • Next, in the Reading List Sidebar, you need to right-click on a page that you wish to erase. Select the remove item option in the menu that will appear to clear it.

    If you wish to clear all the items at once from Safari Reading List in Mac, then you can select Clear All Items option in the menu. This will surely delete all the reading lists that you had organized before.

    3.     How To Clear All Webpages In Reading List On iPhone

    Unlike a Mac device, you won’t find the option to delete all the web pages at once on an iPhone device. However, it’s possible to delta the entire reading list with a trick.

    • So, open the Settings option and tap on your Apple ID.
    • Next, tap on the screen and then go to iCloud.
    • In the iCloud screen, you have to scroll down and move the toggle next to Safari to Off.
    • Next, on the pop-up page, you need to tap on the Delete from My iPhone to remove all the data of Safari from the device. However, this will also delete all the safari favorites, bookmarks, and other data.

    Let’s follow these methods!

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