The start-up period is one of the most crucial times in your company’s history. It will truly make or break how your business performs. To ensure that everything is progressing at the rate it should, you may want to make a few cost-cutting measures in the places which you can afford to do so. Here are some of the top cost-cutting tips you may wish to consider.
Design Everything In-House
Skip the pricy commission fees and do as much of the design processes you need in-house as far as possible. This can be everything from packaging to website design and beyond if you have someone in your team with the technical knowledge.
If your start-up produces real, tangible tech products, you should also do as much of the design processes for them as you can yourselves. Even something as complex as the design of PCBs can be handled by someone in-house if they know how to. The internet is full of some great resource sites that go into detail about all the different types of PCBs out there, including the more complex 3D design rigid-flex board. So, what’s stopping you?
The less you have to pay in commission fees, the more capital you have to put into other things.
Ditch the Main Office
Tech start-ups don’t always need the main office when they are in their infancies. Securing manufacturing facilities should be your top priority. If you are lucky, you may find one which has a small office you could use. Otherwise, you could either run the business from an office in your home (a tried and tested path by many a successful start-up!) or you could rent a desk in a coworking space.
Coworking spaces are fantastic as they give you access to all the office equipment and facilities you could need at a fraction of the cost when compared to rent. Think about it if you know that your tech start-up is too young for its own private office.
Be Flexible with Equipment
Some start-ups go down the route of asking employees to provide their own laptops or other devices to work from. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a laptop or some similar device and professionals also frequently have programs which they prefer to use for their business. For a simple example, everyone has a preferred email provider. Rather than place people with uncomfortable equipment they are unused to, it might be a wiser decision to just let people use what they know and love until the company has had a chance to grow a bit.
If you would rather set the company standard from the start and have everyone using the same set of tools from the get-go, consider buying second-hand equipment. You can get find quite the selection of electronic equipment like computers online, all of which are perfectly serviceable for the jobs you need them for. If you cannot afford all-new equipment, this might be the perfect solution for you.
A new business might seem like a little bit of a money vacuum at first but there is still plenty of places where you can save a little money. Make sensible choices and grow your company at the rate which is right for both you and your business.
Originally posted 2019-03-13 09:43:47.