
    Cried like a crow Crossword Clue: Unraveling the Enigma

    If you’re an avid crossword solver, you may have come across the clue “cried like a crow” in one of your puzzles. This phrase may seem unfamiliar or even nonsensical, but it is actually a common phrase used in crossword puzzles. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind this phrase and how it has become a staple in crossword puzzles.

    What Does “Cried Like a Crow” Mean?

    The phrase “cried like a crow” is often used to describe a loud, harsh, or unpleasant sound. This is because crows are known for their loud and raucous cawing, which can be heard from a distance. In crossword puzzles, this phrase is often used as a clue for words that mean “to make a loud or unpleasant sound.”

    The Origin of the Phrase

    The phrase “cried like a crow” has been around for centuries and has its roots in Old English. In Old English, the word “crow” was used to describe the sound of a rooster’s crowing. Over time, the word evolved to also describe the sound of a crow’s cawing. This is why the phrase “cried like a crow” is often used to describe a loud or unpleasant sound.

    The Use of “Cried Like a Crow” in Crossword Puzzles

    The Use of Cried Like a Crow in Crossword Puzzles

    Crossword puzzles are a popular pastime for many people, and they often include clues that require a bit of wordplay or creative thinking. The phrase “cried like a crow” is a perfect example of this. It is a clever and often unexpected way to clue in a word that means “to make a loud or unpleasant sound.”

    Examples of “Cried Like a Crow” Clues

    Here are a few examples of “cried like a crow” clues that you may come across in a crossword puzzle:

    • “Made a loud noise, like a crow” (Answer: Cawed)
    • “Sounded like a crow” (Answer: Screeched)
    • “Cried out like a crow” (Answer: Squawked)

    As you can see, the phrase “cried like a crow” can be used to clue in a variety of words that mean “to make a loud or unpleasant sound.” This is what makes it such a popular and versatile clue in crossword puzzles.

    Other Common Clues for “Cried Like a Crow”

    While “cried like a crow” is a popular clue in crossword puzzles, it is not the only way to clue in words that mean “to make a loud or unpleasant sound.” Here are a few other common clues that you may come across:

    • “Made a loud noise” (Answer: Roared)
    • “Sounded like a banshee” (Answer: Wailed)
    • “Cried out in pain” (Answer: Howled)

    These clues all have a similar theme to “cried like a crow” in that they describe a loud or unpleasant sound. However, they offer a bit more variety and can make for a more challenging crossword puzzle.

    Tips for Solving “Cried Like a Crow” Clues

    Tips for Solving Cried Like a Crow Clues

    If you come across a “cried like acrow” clue in a crossword puzzle, here are a few tips to help you solve it:

    1. Look for other clues in the puzzle that may help you solve the “cried like acrow” clue. For example, if the puzzle has a theme, the answer to the “cried like acrow” clue may fit into that theme.
    2. Pay attention to the number of letters in the answer. This can help you narrow down your options and make it easier to solve the clue.
    3. Use the crossing letters to your advantage. If you have a few letters filled in for the “cried like a crow” clue, you can use those letters to help you solve the other clues that intersect with it.
    4. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. “Cried like acrow” is a creative and often unexpected clue, so don’t limit yourself to the most obvious answers.

    The Evolution of Crossword Puzzles

    Crossword puzzles have been around for over a century and have evolved significantly since their creation. The first crossword puzzle was published in 1913 by journalist Arthur Wynne, and it quickly became a popular pastime. However, it wasn’t until the 1920s and 1930s that crossword puzzles started to include more creative and challenging clues, such as “cried like a crow.”

    The Role of “Cried Like a Crow” in Crossword Puzzles Today

    Today, “cried like a crow” is a staple in crossword puzzles and is often used as a clue for words that mean “to make a loud or unpleasant sound.” It is a clever and versatile clue that adds an element of fun and creativity to crossword puzzles.

    The Importance of Crossword Puzzles in Our Culture

    Crossword Puzzles in Our Culture

    Crossword puzzles have become an integral part of our culture, and they are enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. They offer a fun and challenging way to exercise our brains and improve our vocabulary. They also provide a sense of accomplishment when we successfully solve a difficult clue or complete an entire puzzle.

    The Benefits of Solving Crossword Puzzles

    In addition to being a fun pastime, crossword puzzles also offer a variety of benefits, including:

    • Improving vocabulary and language skills
    • Enhancing problem-solving abilities
    • Boosting memory and cognitive function
    • Reducing stress and promoting relaxation


    In conclusion, the phrase “cried like a crow” may seem unfamiliar at first, but it is a common and creative clue used in crossword puzzles. It is a versatile clue that can be used to clue in a variety of words that mean “to make a loud or unpleasant sound.” So the next time you come across this clue in a crossword puzzle, you’ll know exactly what it means and how to solve it. Happy puzzling!

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