
    Different ways to Restore the App Store icon on the iPhone

    To begin with, deleting of app store icon on the iPhone is impossible. Yet there are multiple reasons for missing of app store icon on the iPhone. Irrespective of the reason for missing the icon it can be recovered easily.

    Read through the article to find out simple and easy ways to restore the app store icon on the iPhone. The article will detail the step-by-step instruction for restoring the icon.  

    Three simple ways to restore the app store icon on the iPhone

    Check the phone properly

    The first method for restoring of app store icon is searching for it in your phone. Ensure that you look for the icon in the nook and corner of the phone. Even more, open every folder on iPhone and search for the icon. It may so happen that the icon could be hiding somewhere in the phone.

    Furthermore, also search to see if you can spot it. Also, for searching the app store icon, follow these steps:

    • First, unlock your iPhone
    • Then swipe the phone from top to bottom. It will open up a search tab
    • Next, type -app store in the search bar and wait for it to appear.


    Examine the restriction setting on iPhone

    The next simplest way to restore the app store icon is by examining the restriction setting on the iPhone. Furthermore, for checking the restriction setting follows the below-mentioned steps.

    Step-by-step instruction for checking restriction setting on iPhone:

    • First, unlock your iPhone
    • Next open setting on your iPhone
    • After opening the setting on iPhone the steps to follow are different for different versions
    • For iOS12 and higher version
    • After opening the setting tab, look for screen time
    • Under screen time open-content privacy and restriction
    • Next look for content privacy
    • Lastly, under content privacy, click on allowed apps.


    • For iOS11 and under version 
    • After opening the setting on the iPhone, look for a general tab
    • Next in the general tab, click on restriction
    • In either of these two versions, after opening the restriction tab on iPhone, look for iTunes Store
    • Ensure that the iTunes store is set to on

    Checking this restriction tab on iPhone and setting it right ensure app store is restored.

    Re-setting of the home screen on iPhone

    The last and yet another easy method for restoring the app store icon on the iPhone is resetting home screen. Even more, the app store icon can be on a different home screen. So it such situation resetting of home screen can restore the icon.

    Further, for resetting of the home screen on the iPhone follow these steps:

    • First, unlock your iPhone
    • Next look for setting tab on your iPhone
    • After opening the setting tab, click on the general setting
    • Even more, clicking on the general tab on setting opens up a new window
    • Now in the new window scroll down and look for the reset button. The reset button is usually found in the bottom of the iPhone under the settings tab
    • Then click on reset tab to select reset home screen layout option

    Finally, checking this option will fix the issue. In other words, resetting of the home screen to default version can restore the app store icon.

    Furthermore, resetting of the iPhone home screen to default version makes it easy to look for apps. Also, in default version locating of app store icon is easy.

    Bottom Line:

    To sum it up, restoring of app store icon on the iPhone is simple. It can be found and restore in three different ways. These ways are listed here in the article in detail.

    Read Also : How to Fix Face Time Icon missing on iPhone

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