
    Digital Devices Used in Classrooms

    In the 21st century, students require a set of skills to prepare them for the world and their careers after school. Many classrooms have already adapted by creating digital environments for learning. For those who haven’t yet embraced this need, here are some of the top digital items being used by many schools today.


    Smartboards, like all other digital devices, are still only a tool. Teachers should engage students with interactive lessons. Nevertheless, a smartboard has many uses. Students can demonstrate their knowledge to the class by coming to the front to solve a math problem. Most children enjoy using technology and are eager to have their turn. Work can be saved to the teacher’s desktop to go over with individual students later. 

    A smartboard can even make memorisation easier. Research has shown that children remember best if white or yellow writing appears against a green or blue background. Colours can be changed as desired on a smartboard.

    Smart Tables

    The smart table is a digital table that can handle multiple touches. It allows children to gather around and learn in groups by doing. An example of its use is that the table can display a map and students can move place names on boards to the correct positions. 

    The latest smart tables are wheelchair friendly and too sturdy for a group of excited students to push over. They encourage collaboration and leadership while learning.


    PCs and laptops generally have a camera installed. In classrooms, these are used to complete and present talks. Students can watch themselves afterward and do a self-assessment to improve their skills. Some teachers set up joint projects with schools in other countries using Skype to hear a language spoken by a native speaker or to learn about other cultures.


    Laptops in schools have become commonplace and have many advantages in the education context. Children are familiar with them in their home environments, making it easy to repurpose them for teaching. In many schools, there is a BYOD policy (bring your own device) so that a student can use their device for homework, taking notes in class, research, and projects. Lenovo have a great range of good school laptops if you need to purchase one for your child.

    The flipped classroom concept also utilises laptops. Students watch lessons on screen from home and then complete assignments. This is also useful with Covid isolation.

    Digital Textbooks

    Digital textbooks are electronic versions of physical textbooks which can be downloaded onto a laptop or tablet. They remove the necessity of lugging heavy book-laden bags around schools between classes, which puts unnecessary strain on students’ backs.

    Schools can reduce their expenditure on purchasing physical textbooks by obtaining or producing digital textbooks. Every child can have a copy of the set books for the year without having to buy them or wait for a library copy to become available. Teachers can also create their own learning materials in the form of digital textbooks. Students would work off these study guides and course books on their laptops in class and continue assignments at home. 

    While teachers still need the right skills and knowledge to be effective, there is no doubt that digital tools have expanded their options.

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