
    Digital Forensic Process Model – A Detailed Analysis

    Digital forensic process model is an essential concept that is used to guide the investigation of digital crime. The process model is a framework that defines the steps that should be followed in order to conduct a thorough and effective digital forensic investigation.

    In this article, we are going to look into the different steps for the same and the different steps that are involved. 

    Different Phases of Digital Forensics Invesgitation Models 

    Digital forensics can be divided into mainly five types 

    • Identification 
    • Preservation 
    • Analysis 
    • Documentation 
    • Presentation 

    Now let us look at the different types one by one and see how the digital process model works 


    The first step of the model is the identification of the crime scene and the collection of digital evidence. This step is critical cause it determines the scope of the investigation and sets the foundation for the coming steps. 


    During this phase of digital forensics process model all the evidence and data we have is handled carefully to preserve its integrity. This is done to ensure that the data is admissible in court. 

    A forensics image of the devices is taken, and all the analysis is done on this copy of the data. This is done so that the original data is not tampered with in any possible way. 


    The next step is the examination of the evidence, this usually involves analyzing and interpreting the data in order to find relevant information. That could potentially contribute to solving the case. 

    This step is usually performed using forensic tools and techniques such as forensic imaging, file system analysis, and memory analysis. The examination process is designed to extract valuable information from the digital evidence and to reconstruct the events that took place.


    During the documentation phase, the investigator makes detailed documentation of the crime scene and the information extracted from the analysis phase including photographing, sketching, and crime scene mapping. This documentation should be thorough and accurate, as it will be used to demonstrate the integrity and authenticity of the evidence in court. 


    In the final step of the digital forensic process model, all the evidence and the documents we have made using them are summarized and an explanation of the conclusions is done. It is written in layperson’s terms using abstracted terminologies where the terminologies reference the specific details.

    Different  Types of Digital Forensic Process Models 

    There are many types of digital forensics that are differentiated based on the technology they used. Some of the common types of digital forensics are as follows. 

    Computer forensics: This type of digital forensics involves the examination of computer systems, networks, and storage devices in order to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Specialized tools and techniques are used to extract and analyze data from computers, servers, and other digital devices.

    Mobile device forensics: This type of digital forensics involves the examination of mobile phones, tablets, and other portable devices in order to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Mobile device forensics investigators use specialized tools and techniques to extract and analyze data from mobile devices, such as text messages, call logs, videos, audios, etc.

    Network forensics: This type of digital forensics involves the examination of network traffic in order to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Network forensics investigators use specialized tools and techniques to capture, analyze, and reconstruct network traffic in order to identify the source of an attack and determine the extent of the damage.

    Memory forensics: This type of digital forensics involves the examination of computer memory (RAM) in order to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Memory forensics investigators use specialized tools and techniques to extract and analyze data from computer memory, such as running processes, network connections, and open files.

    Database forensics: This type of digital forensics involves the examination of databases in order to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Database forensics investigators use specialized tools and techniques to extract and analyze data from databases.

    Audio and Video Forensics: This type of digital forensics involves the examination of audio and video files in order to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Audio and video forensics investigators use specialized tools and techniques to extract and analyze data from audio and video files, such as voice recognition, speaker identification, and image enhancement.

    Professional Digital Forensics Service Provider 

    Digital forensics is complicated to execute. While going through the different phases of the digital forensics process model many users might it difficult and might be confused due to the large number of choices. In situations like this having a professional digital service provider can help the users a lot. SysTools provides one of the Best Digital Forensics Sevices in the industry. They have Advanced Digital Forensic Tools that they have developed in-house for better results. 


    In this article, we learned about digital forensic process model, its different types, and how they function. We have also seen how people might find it find digital forensics complicated. Hence for a smooth and easy experience, we recommend using the above-mentioned service.


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