
    Does mindfulness exercises contribute to a healthy lifestyle and if so, how can one measure this objectively?

    We are living in a world where almost everyone is running to succeed and want to reach the finish line before anyone else could. You have one eye on your children while you’re folding laundry, or watching the TV. You’re commuting to work on planning your day while listening to the music you love or plan what you are going to do this weekend. But while rushing to complete all the daily tasks that you need to get done as soon as possible, there are some important things that you forget in the process. You miss out what you feel or do. When was the last time you felt well rested in the morning?

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    Mindfulness is a practice of focusing on everything that you are doing at the present time, and you accept it, without judging it. People who feel stressed or depressed can do mindfulness exercises because they are ideal for stress reduction and to keep a person happy for life.

    • Your Well-Being Improves

    People who have a satisfied or as we say living a happy life have increased their capacity for mindfulness. Being mindfulness helps a person live an easy life and enjoy all the pleasures that life brings. They help you become engaged in different activities and can give you greater ability to deal with all the daunting events that may take place. People who practice mindfulness noticed that they don’t easily get worried about their future or have regrets about anything that happened in the past.

    • Improves your Physical Health

    Mindfulness also have some great benefits for everyone if we look at it from a physical health point of view. It helps in making your physical health better in many ways. It helps in: reducing the stress, keep the blood pressure under control; you don’t get much chronic pain, gives you a better sleep and helps with gastrointestinal difficulties.

    • Great For Mental Health

    Today most of the famous and well-known psychotherapists recommended all their patients who are facing stress to add Mindfulness meditation to their lifestyle. According to them this is the best elements of life and cures a lot of common problems that a person faces in their life like, substance abuse, couples conflicts, eating disorder, anxiety disorders and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)

    Mindfulness Techniques

    People who want to add mindfulness in their daily routines would be happy to know that there is more than one technique to practice mindfulness. Always remember the main goal to practice mindfulness is to achieve, focused relaxation and state of alert by deliberately paying attention to your sensations and thoughts without judging them. Here are some techniques of mindfulness that you can practice.

    • Mindfulness Meditation

    This is one of the most commonly and most effective technique used by people today. All you need to do to practice this is to sit quietly and focus on your natural breathing, or focus on a work silently. Don’t let different thoughts to come to your mind while doing this and do not judge them. Also remember not to judge any of those thoughts.

    • Body Sensation

    You will notice different subtle body sensations like tingling or itch, all you need to remember is to let them go without judging them. You will easily see that each every part of your body from head to toe will be in succession.

    • Sensory

    Always remember to notice smells, sights, tastes, and touches. You have to name them like “sound,” “sight,” “smell,” “touch“ or “taste.” Let them pass too and don’t judge them even a little bit.

    • Emotions
    • Emotions

    Let your emotions to flow and don’t be judgmental about it. Make sure that you practice relaxed and steady names of emotions like “anger,” “frustration.” or “joy,” You need to let these go without judgment.

    How can you objectively measure the positive effects of mindfulness?

    Research reveals that one in five people feel stressed or depressed about something – whether an aspect of their professional life, personal relationships, financial situation, etc.

    Nowadays, there are various online apps that can help you to measure your stress level and the success of your attempts to reduce it.

    The app we recommend is the iStressChecker (app and pulse sensor). Because research has shown that receiving frequent feedback about our thoughts and behavior motivates us to sustain changes in our personal and working lives.

    The iStressChecker enables you to monitor how your living habits and circumstances influence your stress level and vitality, and what happens when you make changes. In particular, the flexibility of this product helps you to monitor how frequently you are actually exercising mindfulness and its effects on your stress level and quality of sleep. You can also record your reflections on the importance you attach to practicing mindfulness, and how satisfied you are with the effects of mindfulness as you try to integrate it into your living habits.

    Tell us

    There are many other health benefits that you get when you practice mindfulness. If you already practice it, tell us your technique that you think is the best and what has been your experience and if you have just started doing it, tell us how much changed you noticed. We would love to see your comments below.

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