
    Essential Tips to Help You Lower Your Premium

    More than just a shelter and four walls, your house is usually your most valued asset. However, it gets usually difficult to overlook essential home protection for daily needs despite our best efforts. In this busy life, it’s not easy to manage our household and take care of our home contents. Getting home insurance takes away all your worries away. Insurance is a way that keeps your assets protected from any financial loss.

    Purchasing Cheap Home Insurance can be easy. You just have to call up some insurance providers, compare prices and you may choose the lowest one. But keep in your mind that price isn’t always the best comparison point!

    Before purchasing an insurance policy, you need to take some time out to assess the home insurance policies that can help you save an extra amount to pay. To help reduce your home insurance premium, we have put together a list of 5 tips that can help you reduce your premium;

    Try to Pay Annually:

    Paying annually your insurance premium up front with one lump sum can lower your premium down. It’s almost always more expensive paying your premium on a monthly basis that may seem convenient and/or all you can afford.

    Sometimes it seems difficult to pay your premium in one go, it’s worth considering other option, for instance, you may pay on 0% credit card. Be sure that you can pay off the balance on the card before the interest-free period ends.

    Buy Building and Contents Insurance Together:

    Bundling your policies is always helpful to cut your premium price down. If you need both, buying buildings insurance and contents insurance together can offer you a significant discount instead of buying separately. In addition, dealing with just one insurer is somewhat more convenient.

    Increase Your Voluntary Excess:

    • In addition to the compulsory excess set by your insurer, by paying an extra voluntary excess you make a commitment to pay more towards a claim.
    • You may receive a lower premium by opting to pay a higher amount of voluntary excess when you decide to take out your home insurance policy.
    • Though, make sure that lump sum amount you pay for the voluntary excess is what you can comfortably afford in the event of making a claim.

    Pay for The Right Level of Cover:

    A lot of people tend to underestimate the level of contents cover they need and over-estimate the rebuild cost of their home. You would be offered a wide variety of optional extras when you’ll apply for home insurance.

    Protect Against House Fires:

    When shopping for property insurance, you need to fix at least one alarm at each floor of your property that makes your insurer know that your property is a valuable safety precaution. A large proportion of house fires are caused by smoking or either by cooking. So, many insurers will ask if you’re a smoker. If yes, don’t make a lie just to keep your premium down as it could cancel any claims you made.

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