
    Financial Experts Share Important Tried & Tested Strategies to Save Money

    Everyone would like to save money. Each one of you may be using a distinct method to effectively save some money. You may consider depriving yourself of your usual $4 mocha latte every week or you may postpone your luxurious family vacation with the aim of putting aside some money as savings. You could consider going through the following money-saving strategies that are shared by experts for a financially more stable life.

    Start Paying Yourself First

    A great saving stratagem is paying you first. This means that you must designate a specific amount of your monthly salary as your pay. Before you start paying off your bills, you must keep aside your specified pay every month. This amount could be just $25 or $100 or it could even be 10 percent of your salary. The amount is flexible and you could choose the amount you wish to keep aside, first of all, as your pay. Usually, most of you are in the habit of paying off all your outstanding bills first and then keep the leftover as your saving. But more often than not, this particular method of saving money does not really pay off as there is nothing remaining after paying all the bills. If paying yourself is the first priority, you could end up saving some money in the long run. The best thing about this strategy is that suppose your budget is quite limited and tight, you are compelled to make certain adjustments elsewhere but your savings would keep on growing consistently.

    Ask yourself the reason why you have taken up a job. Obviously, the answer is to earn your living. That is precisely the reason for you to pay yourself before anybody else. You should be the first to be paid every month and then the remaining of your paycheck should be distributed towards your bills, debts, and other payments.

    Consider Paying Yourself Automatically

    While paying yourself first, ensure setting up an automatic way of getting it done so that you do not need to even worry about it because it would just happen automatically. You may leave instructions for your employer to effectively deduct a specific amount every month from your paycheck straightaway into your RRSP. Alternatively set up monthly automated transfers online with your bank.

    As per, “Most people who use this method find that they very quickly get used to living on a little less and soon they don’t miss the amount that they are paying themselves in their savings account. When you almost forget about automatic savings and let them grow, amazing things happen—automatically. Automatically saving $25 a week turns into $1,300 a year.” This way, you could understand the importance of this simple automated setup that would be paying you first out of your salary every month before paying off your other bills and debts.

    Consider Chalking Out an Effective Spending Plan

    The most effective way of saving money is simply by chalking out a budget or a precise spending plan. If you have a strict budget, you could easily see what your earnings are and what all are your expenses. When your income and expenses are determined, you could surely find effective ways for reducing your expenses or boost your overall income for getting an extra amount to keep aside as savings. This is the most tried and tested money-saving technique that has proved to be successful for several successful entrepreneurs, some of the largest organizations in the world and numerous householders.  The trick is to identify what you seem to be spending your money on. This would help you to start planning your spending to get a firm grip over your expenses. Only then you could put aside a reasonable amount of money as savings.

    Get Rid of Your Debts

    If you are facing overwhelming debt and juggling multiple creditors, then try your best to get rid of all your outstanding bills and debts. You need to pay down all your debts. You may add up accurately the total amount you are spending every month towards debt repayments. It is best to get rid of the debts so that the interest amount could go to your savings account. You may opt for effective debt consolidation for eliminating all your existing debts. Seek expert debt management advice and recommendations by visiting reputed sites such as

    Set Precise Savings Objectives

    One of the most effective ways of saving money is to visualize what would be the precise reasons you would be saving for. You must have clearly defined saving objectives. If you are looking for some positive motivation, try to set targets for saving along with a relevant timeline. For instance, you could set goals such as buying your dream home in 5 years with 15 percent down payment. Once you set a precise target, you could determine how much you require saving every month for achieving your goal.

    Opt for a Staycation

    You must consider choosing a staycation that means instead of spending several thousands of dollars on airfare overseas, it is best to identify a place in close proximity to your house for enjoying intimate and fun vacations that are near your home. It is best to choose destinations that are within driving distance.

    Focus on Utility Savings

    You could identify effective ways of lowering your energy bills. You could consider reducing your water heater’s thermostat by 10°F as that has the potential of saving 3% to 5% in terms of energy costs. You may even stick to using a no storage water heater to save on your energy costs.


    If you are trying to identify efficient ways of saving more money, you must execute the above-discussed strategies for financial success. You already know pretty well that they have really worked in a competitive way, so there is every possibility of them working positively for you too. However, do not follow all the different types of strategies simultaneously. You must do some logical reasoning and choose such strategies for your business that prove to be useful to your business. Do not go about trying out all the strategies. The best thing regarding budgets is simply that you could adjust them to cater to your aspirations, goals, and needs.

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