
    Fixing missing Safari icon on iPhone or iPad in simple ways

    To begin with, the Safari icon is a unique feature for apple products. Safari is a type of browser that is available only for Apple products like the iPhone. But it may happen that this icon is missing from the iPhone or iPad. There is no particular reason as to why the icon is missing. Yet it can be restored.

    Read through the article to find out three simple ways to restore missing icon. In other words, the article will deal with instruction for restoring the safari icon on the iPhone.

    Different ways for restoring missing safari icon on the iPhone or iPad

    Search for the icon

    As mentioned various time, the missing icon can be simply because it is hidden. Even more, the icon can be accidentally shifted to different screens. The best way to restore the missing safari icon is by searching for it in all screens cautiously.

    Search for iPhone

    As stated earlier, the main reason for missing can be a change in the place of the icon. Conduct a thorough search for the safari icon by opening all folders.

    Furthermore, searching for the safari icon can also be through these steps:

    1. First, unlock the iPhone or iPad device
    2. The swipe your device from top to bottom for the opening of the search tab
    3. Next in the search tab, enter – safari and click on enter
    4. Lastly, this should spot the icon in case it is hidden in the device.


    Check for restriction setting

    The third way for fixing missing safari icon is by checking the restriction setting. Even more, the restriction setting on iPhone can be examined through these steps.

    1. First, unlock your iPhone or iPad
    2. Then open up the setting tab of the device
    3. Under the setting, look for restriction option. Restriction option is under general setting or it is located under content privacy and restriction tab.
    4. Finally, in the restriction tab, ensure that the button next to it is set to on mode.
    5. Following these steps can fix the issue by finding the missing icon and setting it right.


    Home screen resetting on iPhone or iPad

    The last and simplest method of fixing missing safari icon is through resetting of the home screen. Even more, to reset the home screen follow these steps:

    1. First, unlock your iPhone or iPad
    2. Then look for settings tab in your iPhone or iPad device. Further, setting tab of the iPhone or iPad is usually located on the first page.
    3. In the setting tab, look for the reset option. It can be easily found by searching for it in the search tab of the iPhone
    4. Click on reset home screen layout to fix the issue

    Even more, clicking on reset home screen option fixes the issues. Further, it also resets the home screen of iPhone to default setting making the search easy.

    Restoring of iPhone through iTunes

    The last method for restoring of safari icon on the iPhone is through a reset of the phone by iTunes.

    1. First, unlock your apple device
    2. Next, connect the iPhone through a USB cable to a PC or Mac Book
    3. Then start iTunes on your computer by clicking on the icon.
    4. Once iTunes opens, look for iPhone icon on the top corner
    5. Click on the iPhone icon and then click on the summary option
    6. Finally, in summary, option, select restore icon.

    Following the above-mentioned steps should fix the issue.

    Bottom Line:

    To sum it up, the article list five different ways of restoring the safari icon on the iPhone or iPad. These ways are simple and effective.

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