
    How to Get Water Out of Charging Port

    It’s easy to get water in your smartphone charging port, which can cause major harm if not cleaned or dried immediately. Water from your phone’s charging port can trickle down to sensitive components like the camera or screen, and possibly do enough damage to make the phone useless. If you are looking for a way on how to get water out of charging port then you have come to the right place. We have mentioned all the methods through which you can dry your charging port as well as what not do if you ever face this situation. Therefore, read till the end to find the answers you need.

    Best Methods to Get Water Out Of Charging Port

    Best Methods to Get Water Out Of Charging Port
    Credit: business Insider

    Allow the Device to Dry Naturally, or Put it in a Cool Place

    The simplest way to dry a charging port is to let it alone to dry. This may appear very simplistic, yet it always works. Keep the phone in a cool area, preferably one with a fan to circulate the air. Leave the charging port open and, if possible, position the charging port down to speed up the drying process.

    After 30 minutes of drying, check the port on your device. Continue to wait if you can still see moisture inside or if the device displays a “liquid detected” error. If your device is small enough to be held in one hand, the charging port should be pointed down and gently tapped. This procedure can be used to flush away excess water.

    How to Get Water Out of Charging Port: Use Microfiber or Cotton Cloth

    You must first remove the wetness or moisture. You can speed up the drying process by using a little piece of soft cotton cloth. Roll up a little piece of cotton or microfiber cloth so it can fit inside the charging port of your phone, and then use it to gently wipe the port. 

    After that, you can leave your phone to dry on its own for up to 30 minutes. Applying too much pressure to the charging port will do more damage than it can fix. This can also cause water to enter the charging port much deeper.

    Things to Avoid Doing When a Charging Port Wet

    Things to Avoid Doing When a Charging Port Wet

    Now that you’ve learned how to get water out of charging port, there are a few things you should avoid. People frequently do the following and wind up in a worse condition. So, try to avoid the following methods for getting water out of your phone.

    How to Get Water Out of Charging Port: Don’t Charge Your Phone

    Charging your phone is the most essential thing to avoid when your USB port is wet. Most smartphone warning messages will advise you not to charge your phone if moisture is present in the USB port, and it is important that you follow this advice for two reasons.

    This is due to the fact that placing the charger into a wet charging port is harmful to both the charging port and the charger. This may even result in a short circuit in your smartphone. An active electric current within a wet port is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

    Don’t Blow Air Directly into the Wet Charging Port

    When you blow air into your phone’s USB or lightning port with a vacuum hose, or another device, you’re putting it at risk of more water damage. The reason for this is that instead of drying out, water might get deeper inside your device and onto sensitive areas.

    When you put your USB charger into the connector, little bursts of electricity can spark up the sensitive part, causing additional damage to your device. Also, avoid using compressed air to dry moisture from your gadget. The reason for this is because it may add moisture to your charging port rather than drying up your phone’s port.

    Credit: Electronics hub

    How to Get Water Out of Charging Port: Don’t Place Your Phone into Dry Rice

    Rice has long been regarded as the pinnacle for removing moisture from electronics devices. However, we highly recommend you not do it because it may actually do more harm instead of fixing the problem. 

    Despite the fact that rice is good at absorbing moisture. Little particles of rice or starch may become lodged in the charging port and cause damage. This will not help the water dry any faster than simply letting it dry naturally.

    How to Get Water Out of Charging Port: Don’t Use Heat to Dry your Phone

    Seals, batteries, and screens are not as heat resistant as the body of your phone. As a result, applying heat to your charging port may render your lightning accessory or USB port unusable.

    Exposing your device to the sun for an extended amount of time can potentially harm it. Overheating your battery can cause it to lose its functionality. Make absolutely sure you do not use ovens or hair dryers to dry your phone.


    In case if you ever spill water on your phone or drop it in water and want to know ways on how to get water out of charging port then you have come to the correct location. We have covered everything you need to know about drying your phone’s charging port. 

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