
    Going Through Your First Paint By Numbers Kit

    It has always been a huge pleasure of mine to hold a paintbrush and paint to my heart’s content. Unfortunately, though, I have never exactly been a prodigy when it comes to painting. That has never stopped me from picking up my old painting kit every time I find a few moments to myself.

    So one of my friends gave me the idea of purchasing my own paint by numbers kit and seeing how that works out for me. Needless to say that it was a wonderful idea and I had an absolute blast painting with it.

    My Pick and Its Arrival

    I have had a special corner in my heart for cute little animals. So naturally, I did the most basic thing and got a painting of a cat. It was cute and fluffy, reminded me of one I had when I was a child, so there was no way I could resist.

    The package arrived exactly twelve days after I ordered it. I opened it up to reveal a rolled canvas, seventeen small containers of acrylic paint, each container was numbered differently. There were also three paint brushes of different sizes to get all the large areas and small details with ease, and a reference picture which showed what the final product should look like.

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    Starting Off

    I coated the canvas with a thin layer of clear gesso so that it is easier to blend the acrylic paints and achieve a more organic result. Clear gesso can easily be found in any art shop near you, and you can also easily make it at home by watching YouTube tutorials.

    After the gesso dried, started off with some of the brown and orange hues. At first, the painting did not really make much sense, but it came together as we moved along.

    Tips and Tricks to Improve the Result

    So, if you look at the pictures above, you will notice that it is coming together rather shoddily. Something I realized a little late in the game was that you need to be thorough while using your paints. Make sure you cover the outlines properly. Keep your hand steady. Go back for another layer if the contour or numbers aren’t fully covered.

    One great thing about acrylic paints is that they are very forgiving. If you notice a mistake, you can easily go over it and fix it.

    Hold your brush close to the tip for painting in small details and further away for large areas. Keeping a steady hand is crucial.

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    Revel in Your Achievement

    The most amazing part of a paint by numbers kits is that the final result is always beautiful. You get an amazing sense of achievement as you go back and look at the gorgeous thing you created. For me, it was this adorable, fluffy little kitty. Naturally then I had to have it framed so that I can display it to the world and rejoice as they praise me!

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