
    How Does the Future of HR 2030 Look Like?

    COVID-19 has completely transformed the role of HR. With such an unexpected change, how should HR prepare for such challenges? The answer is tricky. But we can definitely foresee what kind of jobs will be available in the future. Human resources, after 10 years from now, will be ultimately a different game. 

    Let us figure out which trends can shape the future of HR.

    • Remote Working

    We have found a new style of working in COVID-19 i.e remote working. Working from home was a luxury before a year, but now it has become a common practice. And it seems as if it will become an essential part of the future too. More personalization will be given to training and development practices, and it will be available through remote devices. To increase engagement among the employees, HR can make use of Slack and Microsoft teams.

    • Rise of Gig Economy

    10 years ago, nobody was familiar with this term, but at present, it is one of the best ways to get your work done. The gig economy revolves around freelancers and short-term contracts instead of a full-time job. And after 10 years from now, it will become one of the critical areas for HR to look for while closing a job. Thus, it’s time for HR to revamp its current practices and add more diversity to its work culture by bringing in employees from across the globe.

    • Data and AI

    I must say that data is one of the most exciting trends that will bring a transformation in the future of HR. Many HR professionals feel that AI will replace humans and there will be an end of jobs. But the truth is the human decision will always play an important role. HR will get a lot of benefit from technology. We all have heard of chatbots, and they are going to take an important place in the HR department. They can help in screening and shortlisting a candidate and also scheduling an interview. Similarly, recruitment analytics solutions like resume parser can help in automating the recruitment process by extracting resume data in a structured manner.    

    1. Employee Experience

    Happy employees deliver perfect results. The traditional employee engagement tools will be revamped, and new tools will be brought into the picture to enhance employee engagement. These can be related to communication, performance appraisal, feedback, etc.

    1. People Analytics

    HR professionals now feel the need to have data to identify gaps in skill sets, evaluate recruiting methods, and assess where talent is available. Organizations are now paying attention to Predictive analytics. Now HR is not looking for what happened and what is the reason behind it. They are focussing on what will happen in the future. Thus, people analytics is going to take an important place in the HR strategy.

    1. Dealing with Cybersecurity

    Cybersecurity is going to be one of the biggest challenges for HR in 2030. There will be a need for forming new WFH policies and cyber rules to deal with challenges like employee privacy and data confidentiality. KPIs for HR heads will also be a part of change management.  

    1. No Face-time

    HR managers and recruiters have a tendency to judge candidates through their body language. Remote working makes it difficult to see these gestures. Zero face-to-face interaction can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. HR needs to draft policies to ensure best practices for proper communication.

    These trends will define the future of HR. 10 years from now will see a major breakthrough in the working of HR. Let’s wait and watch and keep ourselves well-prepared for the future and the challenges. 

    Author’s bio:

    Lovepreet Dhaliwal works with RChilli Inc, a leading resume parsing software provider which helps in speeding up your recruitment process. An MBA in HR and marketing, he has over eight years of work experience in business development and strategic sales.

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