
    How technology has changed the field of logo designing

    A logo? What a logo is? This question could be answered in a number of ways depending upon what purposes you want to achieve from it but in simpler words a logo is a graphical image that is used to depict something through symbolic elements. The field of logo designing was initiated in the 18th century or maybe even before that when it was done through the manual means. People used to draw it through papers and pens. This was the first and initial idea of logo designing.

    The logos back then were used to symbolize things but then people started to contemplate upon the logo designing for a number of purposes as reasons. Branding and marketing is one of the most important purposes that is attached with the logos. Companies use it for making the considerations on bringing the attention and attraction of the customers with respect to the brand and creating the identity and differentiation for the brand which is why the logos have become an integral and important part of the branding and marketing campaigns. People used symbols and images in the logos mostly to get this purpose to be achieved but since the technology has been inducted in the field it could be said that the field has almost changed around.

    The world has been changing since the technology has been introduced and the integration of technology in the field of logo designing has brought some amazing changes. Well, what was done through manual means before is done through software and tools aided by the computer in recent times. The logo designer is now required to be creative as well as have the knowledge and literacy of using software and tools which has made the field to become a professional field. Computer and technological mediums have made the logo designing to become inch-perfect and by inch-perfect we mean that everything now is measured and tailored with perfection and even the millimeters are now being scaled through these mediums. The induction of technology in the field has sparked creativity too. We can now see icons being induced in the logo designing, symbols being used and typography being made versatile and everything has occurred because the technology was inducted in the field of logo designing. However, if we see that from another point of view it could be witnessed that this has made the field a lot more challenging and difficult then it was in previous times. People could make hand-drawn symbols and pictures to make logos but not this is not possible now only the people who have knowledge and literacy of computer software are able to design the logos. This fact has made the field more difficult, demanding and to have increased challenges for people who don’t have the ideas about using the tools and software that is connected to logo design.

    Also, the judgment of logo designer and the logo design company is done on the basis of software or tools that they use in their processes. Such as londonlogodesigns has been rated as one of the best companies in the region because it uses the state of the art software and tools.

    Apart from this if we see it from the point of view of business it is stated by the logo designers and logo designing companies that the induction of technology has made it easy and faster for us to now designing the logo. We don’t have to work on shapes, symbols and such other things but these are all already included in the software and we have only to use it according to the requirements of our logo. Well, even the motion graphics or animated logo could also be counted as the result of the induction of technology in the field. This although could be a bit different from the actual logo designing and could be considered as a blend of logo designing and animation but it is only possible through a computer-aided software or else this won’t be a concept that could ever be made into this field.

    By all these thoughts one thing is clear for sure that logo designing in the recent times is not like what it was when the field was introduced but it has changed a lot with the time and one of the major reasons of the change is technology and it could still be expected that in a few years the field would change more with making the contemplations on technological advancements like artificial intelligence.

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