
    How Technology Makes High Voltage Maintenance More Efficient

    In an electrical service, it is essential to take care of the high voltage electrical operations in an industrial environment or commercial building. To ensure that the things run efficiently, there are a plenty of equipments to help keep an eye and provide maintenance to say the least. It is also important to have a preventive maintenance process to minimize the danger of an uncalled downtime. It might come across as a massive task but then living up to the expectations of a routine maintenance schedule is definitely a challenge.

    It is a good then that there are a plenty of tools to carry out the maintenance tasks easily, safely and above all efficiently. How does this come through? It has been made possible by some advancement in the connectivity, embedded intelligence and cloud-based sharing and data storage.

    Don’t Miss Anything

    There are mobile apps that help deliver reminders when electrical equipment needs maintenance. With the help of an app, a service provider can locate the equipment and the plant with its geolocation accurately. He will have a maintenance task at the tip of his finger. With this information in hand, he can connect with the team and then decide which person will be most suited for the kind of work needed by the customer.

    To maximize efficiency, there is a maintenance app to make sure that all the equipments calling for maintenance are listed so that each one of them can be addressed in a single visit. Furthermore, when a technician reaches the specific plant, he doesn’t have to ask where the equipments are located. He can refer to the app and know the right location of the equipments. Not just this, the app provides all the data required to accomplish the job.

    For instance, if the equipment needed to carry out the service comprises of circuit breakers, a few latest models have substantial onboard intelligence and connectivity. The technician can exercise the option of using the smart phone to connect to the device with the help of Bluetooth, without the need to touch the breaker. This smart breaker transmits the information further to display on their phone. This may include measuring readings such as voltages, currents, and power. This can also highlight deviation from a nominal level.

    Easy Resolution Step

    When going through further checks, a technician can assess the breaker’s programming including LSI over current settings by making use of easily navigable graphical screens. In addition to the above, there is a ‘state if health’ view and this can reveal a service warning, if there is any. Such situation can point towards a backup battery that requires replacing or the breaker service life which is left.

    When a bar code is offered on the breaker front, by scanning it with a smart phone will automatically connect the online maintenance history of the device. This will ascertain that only the right equipment which needs servicing is detected. It will identify other logged data entered previously or service notes to help in taking the correct steps in the course of further action.

    Single Click Report

    After the service has been made, an inspection report can be generated with a single click. This helps in logging in all the important data and service notes. The report gets saved in the cloud and can be accessed by anyone immediately, whosoever needs it. This makes invoicing quick and simple. This process ascertains sharing of information all across the team.

    These tools have made high voltage operations and maintenance extremely smooth and efficient right from reminders to planning, coordinating to executing and reporting to invoicing. The equipments can be observed remotely. The complete maintenance history can be stored in the cloud and make the high voltage offers better.

    Basis of voltage operations and maintenance in QLD

    • Earlier, maintenance involved prevention of failure. Now the electrical maintenance is all about minimizing, avoiding or removing the results of failure.
    • Earlier, maintenance was carried out to enhance the use of the facility at a minimum cost. Now the maintenance influences all the aspects of performance of a business and the risks involved – environment, safety, energy efficiency, and of course the customer service. It is much more than enhancing the use and overall cost of the facility.
    • Earlier, maintenance was primarily done to safeguard the assets. Now, it is done to safeguard the functions of all the assets.

    These are the basis of the maintenance of the physicals assets. These are expected to get more and more refined over time. To ensure high voltage operations and maintenance in QLD, it is important to configure and restructure all the information. Some steps have been taken already and this is expected to get better with time.

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