
    How the Future of Networking Affects Technology-Driven World?

    Networking is essential for the communication process. You can’t even imagine your life without networking as the world of the Internet all depends upon it. It also includes several things which proved its necessities. But have you ever realize what will be the future of networking and how it will affect us? Don’t know? Then this post for you. Here we will go through the future of networking by exploring all its concepts.


    Science fiction Writers, financial analysts, and other professionals of technology made predictions about Network. It’s a part of their job where they have to foretell the future of Networking world. However, some are true and some are not. But, surely it is good to know what is the evolution and revolution we can expect from Networking. Inquisitive to know, what is it? Then read this post and know everything related to the Networking world in the advanced world. Moreover, if you want to gain more information on the topic, then you can hire also Network programming assignment writing help without any hassle.

    Predicting the Networking Future- Evolution & Revolution

    Predicting the Networking Future- Evolution & Revolution

    Basically, you can’t imagine the future of computer networking because of three major reasons. These are as follows:

    • Technical concepts of computer networking are quite complex. It makes difficult for observers to expect the changing trends.
    • Internet and computer networks are commercialized completely, thus they are subjected to the impact of big corporations, and the financial industry which ultimately make the prediction difficult.
    • We all know that networks work upon the worldwide scale. That means you can get disruption or hurdles from anywhere. When you have don’t know the cause of disease, then you can’t make a medicine. Similarly, in the field of the network, until you know the source of error or changes, you can’t rectify it.

    Evolutionary View of Networking

    Evolutionary View of Networking

    No doubt there are several changes which are going on in the technology world. If these kinds of changes will continue for twenty years. Then, we can experience more changes in Networking which are counted as an Evolutionary View. Let us explore some changes we can expect in the coming years:

      • IPv6 will finally win the race:  The professionals of science foretell the demise of IPv4 quite earlier when the Internet was expected to move out from the address bar. But actually, it did not happen. But with the IPv6, it can be possible as it seems to be powerful enough to remove IPv4 from the digital world. Though, it is just a prediction, which may or may not be true. You can’t rely on this fact for so long.
    • Domain Name Will become of Obsolete Nature: It has been expected by the foretellers that the domain name, domain names system will be disappeared from the Internet world as Web browser will become itself capable to navigate the user to the website through the recognition of eye movements, voice recognition, touch interfaces and so forth. However, this is only in perception right now. You can’t be fully sure of this. If you want to know more about this concept, then you can hire programming assignment help.
    • Gateways and Broadband Routers will become Obsolete in Coming Future: We are living in a fast tech world where we can’t overlook the importance of smartphones and wearables. As the demand will increase for phones and wearables, then there will be more needs of fixed routers and gateways to fix the communication. However, in the coming future generation, you will observe that fixed routers will be installed in the home only to manage traffic. With this, devices can easily make a connection with other devices and even to the Internet.

    These are some of the evolutionary views of Networking you can observe in the future generation. Now, let us explore a revolutionary view of Networking which is expected by the professionals. Have a look:

    Revolutionary View- Networking Future

    What do you think will the Internet still rule world till 2100? Obviously! It’s difficult to predict the future or maybe some of you thinking that it is impossible to live without the Internet. But it can be possible. As today also, you can observe that many cyber-attacks are taking place which may destroy the presence of the Internet. However, if attempts will be taken to re-build the Internet once again with full-proof security features, then it will raise political battles which take everything at stake, which is surely not a good idea. So, you can figure out that it is quite risky to build new Internet from scratch. However, if you think with a different way, you can see that the second Internet can lead to the modern era that is safe and secure. According to George Orwell’s, in the worst case, it will surely oppressive.

    With the newest technologies and advancement, it is predicted that in the coming future, you will have no need for fibre optics cables, as you can see major breakthroughs in Wireless electricity.

    About the Author

    Alesana Hale is a technical article writer who is working at BookMyEssay from past four years. She has already so many articles on Network programming and insightful articles help the students and academicians to understand the latest trends. If you want to gain more information on academic assignment help, you can visit the website or mail them. Their helpdesk is open for 24*7.

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