
    How to Fix Face Time Icon missing on iPhone

    To begin with, it may so happen that face time icon can be missing on the iPhone. Face time is one important application of iPhone. The video calling app face time is a simple and user-friendly application. It is widely used for connecting with friends and family all over the world.

    In case you are missing face time app on your iPhone, then read through the article. The article will deal with multiple solutions for fixing the face time icon on the iPhone.

    Simple solutions for fixing face time icon on the iPhone

    Usually, missing of Face time icon on iPhone is a common mistake. Even more, there are simple ways to fix. Further, check out the latter part of the article to find the solutions.

    Check through the iPhone or folders

    The first and most simple solution to fix the missing face time icon on iPhone is searching. Open your iPhone and scroll through all the home screens of the iPhone. Check to see if the icon is hiding somewhere. Furthermore, also open all the folders of your iPhone. Even more, some chances face time icon can be in one of the folders.

    Furthermore, you may have accidentally moved the icon into a folder. Hence you must check all the folders.

    Apart from this, there is one other simple way to search for face time icon. It consists of two simple steps.

    • Step 1 – scroll through the end of the iPhone home page until you find a search tab
    • Step 2 – open the search tab and typeface time and click on search. This search will help you stop the icon in case it is present on your phone.

    Make sure face time is on in the setting of your iPhone

    The next reason for not appearing of face time icon on iPhone is setting. Even more, the restriction setting of the iPhone must enable both face time and camera.

    To check if the restriction setting enables face time, follow these steps:

    • First, the open menu bar on the iPhone
    • Next look for setting and choose a general setting
    • Under general setting; click on restriction and turn on both face time and camera toggles.

    Following the above-mentioned steps will fix the face time icon on your iPhone

    Check if your country supports the use of face time

    As per apple notification, face time is not supported in some countries. If you belong to one such country, then face time will not appear. To fix the face time icons in such situation follow these steps:

    1. First open setting tab on the iPhone
    2. After opening the tab, look for general setting and click on it
    3. Later, scroll through the general setting and look for language and region option
    4. Here in the region option change it to the country that supports the app.
    5. After changing the region, reboot the iPhone to use face time application

    However, make sure that you cancel the app store or iTunes subscription before changing the region. Further, ensure that you have a billing address and a credit card for the country you want to change. It is because changing the country will not transfer the credits or subscriptions.

    Also, review the terms and conditions of the iPhone, before rebooting it. Finally, after the face time icon appears, log in to the application using apple ID.

    Bottom Line:

    To sum it up, fixing of face time icon on the iPhone is simple. In this article, we have listed three simple ways to fixing it.

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