
    How to Increase Your Google PageSpeed Insights Score

    What is the best way to boost the conversion rate of a web page? The common answer would be – excellent content and user-friendly design. But did you know that the most efficient and perhaps the easiest way is to deliver ‘faster’ user experience? And this can only be achieved with faster page speed.

    Google’s recent research shows that the page loading time has a direct impact on the conversion rate. We all know that the maximum wait time of a user for a page to load is 3 seconds. The more the time, the more the chances of losing your prospective conversions. To add to site owners’ woes, the slower page speed also increases the bounce rate. 

    Thankfully, Google also has a tool that can help you determine the Page Speed. Google PageSpeed Insights helps you run a test of the web page speed and what is slowing it down. Different page elements are marked by red, yellow, and green indicators. Too many red and yellow signs indicate loading issues. 

    Here are some proven ways to increase your page speed score – 

    Avoid page redirects

    Most often than not, users are redirected to another page after clicking on the landing page. This complicates the site navigation and makes the user lose interest in the content. Avoid redirecting your site visitors by building your website with a responsive design and ensure great user experience. Better the experience, the more the chances of conversion. 

    Enable compression and optimization

    A webpage will tend to load slower if its content is heavy. To avoid this, there are two things to be addressed. One, compressing the files and shrink the entire site to a smaller version which loads in a fraction of the time that would take to load the full version. And two, optimize the images and other media files that are running on the page, to avoid unnecessary burden on the network. 

    Boost server speed 

    The web server capacity has a lot to do with the loading time. And only your hosting platform can take care of it. If you have been using traditional web host, maybe it is time to upgrade to a more efficient alternative like a Cloud Web Host. It is not only faster, but offers better resources, more bandwidth, and is cheaper. 

    Avoid redundancy

    Reduce redundancy by removing unused and unnecessary data or fixing poor coding. You can address the page’s source code manually or use recommendations from Google to minify HMTL, CSS, and JavaScript. You can also use Google AMP. It will help run compact versions of these programs and makes the page load in microseconds. 

    Enable Browser Caching 

    Every time a request is sent to the web server by the user, it translates into multiple layers of requests. And each of them adds up to the time taken to receive and render messages. With caching, you can easily cut down on this time lag by allowing the browser to temporarily store the basic site information and yield it to the user at the instant it is requested. Google recommends that you do run caching at least once a week.

    On a parting note…

    The writing is on the wall. If you want your prospective users to become your permanent users, then give them the experience they deserve and something that you promise them when they visit your site. And nothing makes a visitor happier than easy and fast navigation on the web.

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