
    How To Use Heat Pump Efficiently?

    Heat pumps have emerged as a viable alternative to traditional electric heating systems in Australia. Branded manufacturers have optimized these advanced systems for their functionalism. Rather than simply generating heat, these appliances also move. Naturally, heat pumps make their way into a large section of homes in Wellington.

    However, are you aware that heating might account for as much as 35% of your power bill during the winter months? Therefore, how you use your heat pump defines your ability to curtail utility bills.

    In this post, you will get to know the right way to use your heat pump to ensure energy efficiency.

    Tips to enhance the energy efficiency of your heat pump

    • Make sure to keep a low setting between 18 to 20 degrees C for your heat pump. Setting the heat pump at the maximum temperature won’t do any good in heating the room faster. Rather, it would consume more energy. Try to program the appliance so that it turns on ten to fifteen minutes before you need it.
    • Take care to clean the outdoor and indoor heat pump filters at least once a year. Unless you place it somewhere difficult to access, you can do it yourself. However, the heat pump in Wellington installers would help you if required.
    • Try to heat only the space that you would be using. In case you don’t need heat in your bedroom or some other space in your home, don’t move the appliance there. 
    • When you are not using the appliance, turn it off to minimize energy consumption. Just turn it on when you actually need the heat. Additionally, you should close the curtains and doors to conserve the indoor heat.
    • The best way to ensure energy efficiency is to insulate your home. This would boost the energy efficiency of the heat pump.

    Position your heat pump in the right place

    The energy efficiency of your heat pump largely depends on its placement around your home. This applies to both the outdoor and indoor unit placements.

    The outdoor unit

    For the outside unit, you need to ensure the proper flow of air. Also, choose a place where it would receive little frost and plenty of winter sun. also, you need to secure the outdoor unit from elements like sea spray that might corrode it away. Try to avoid positions under decking where there would be poor air circulation. Also, these units tend to be noisy. So, take care about where you should position them.

    The indoor unit

    Generally, you will come across three types of these units. These are ceiling cassettes, floor mounted consoles, and high-wall units.

    • For quick heating, you should get floor mounts. However, positioning these units call for adequate floor space. Besides, you shouldn’t have any furniture blocking them.
    • You have a good placement option in high-wall units. It won’t consume any movement space on your floor or anywhere close to the ground.
    • In case you lack adequate space close to the floor, you can install a ceiling cassette.

    It would be an intelligible move to reach out to the experts for electrician Wellington. With the professionals on your side, you can choose the right place to position these heat pumps and ensure energy efficiency.

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