
    Instagram Marketing Tips For Realtors

    I have noticed that nowadays, there are several real estate marketing that are doing business online. This type of business once focused on cold calling potential clients and introduce their products in a traditional way of marketing, but is now moving to a strategy that relies on marketing through social media. Instagram is one of the places we can publish our brand. We can now generate leads, increase our sales, and get more referrals using Instagram.

    As a realtor, you need to understand the huge impact of social media when it comes to building trust in your previous clients and your future clients as well. We know that social media is a major lead generator in this type of business, so we must know how to efficiently maximize our real estate brand online and the brandwarness

    By modifying your content strategy and rearranging your current and future social media posts to something that’s more pleasing to your client’s eyes, I’m sure you can get greater results for your brand. We will give you 5 tips on how to level up your marketing strategy on your Instagram account.

    The reason behind this is for you to get access to all necessary data such as demographics, insights, reaches, charts, and graphs, etc. This information is important to better understand your current client’s abstracts and to help you narrow your future strategies and marketing efforts better. Moreover, there are some influencers around the world with real estate and interior design pages for sale. Some realtors prefer to buy their Instagram account instead of starting from the bottom and gain followers from zero.

    • Build your Bio

    Simply think about something that gets your audience’s attention and to have them answer their ‘What’s in it for me’ questions. You can create a bio that says where you live, how to contact you, and what are your pastimes. Create a profile that is focusing on your audiences.

    • Always include great quality photos

    Instagram is all about the story. If it’s for business, it should be telling something on what’s happening on the business. If possible, use professional photography. However, you can use your phone as well provided that you are techy enough to use filters to make sure it would look stunning. Remember that to get compliments for your brand; you should be posting pictures that are not less than the best. Create beautiful photos and if you needed, you can use some tools to help you edit the capture to its best version.

    • Optimize your content using the right Real Estate Hashtags

    Using hashtags is not just about gaining more likes on your post. It brings more engagement to your content and it facilitates discovery of your brand in social media. This is a direction or a way for potential clients to discover your real estate brand through social media.

    One of the excellent ways for the homeowners and buyers to find you when you’re using the right hashtags. On the other hand, it’s also one excellent way for you to find potential customers for your business.

    Below are some examples of hashtags you can use to discover potential homeowners and attracts real estate buyers:

    Generic hashtags for real estate:

    #renovated #justlisted #reo #fixandfliphouses #forsale #homesale #newhome #househuntin #oldhousecharm #property #housing #mortgage #homesforsale #openhouse #homeinspection #homesweethome #foreclosure #homeevaluation #realestate #realtor #justlisted #broker #dreamhome #properties #homelisting

    Hashtags for Real Estate Agents:

    #businessbrokerage #commercialboardofrealtors #business #realtoroffice #homebuyer #realestateinvestment #realestatebroker #realestateagent #investmentsales #realestate #commercialrealestate  #realestatelife #listingagent #homebuyers #propertyforsale  #banking #invest

    You can also customize your own hashtags using this pattern:

    #[Real Estate Team Name] 

    #[Target Neighbourhood]

    #[Brokerage Name]

    #[Target City]homes #[Target City]property

    In very business, an experiment is needed. You need to do experiment as to which hashtags works best for your real estate brand. Choose hashtags that is suitable for your brand and target audience’s location. ————- DONE QUE

    • Include effective quotes about Real Estate in your content

    Using appropriate and relevant Real Estate quotes can also help you with your Social Media marketing. Knowing that it is somehow difficult to come up great quality content for this kind of business, but what we’re looking for is a simple idea that resounds with audiences and you can just focus on your main goal – buying or selling homes.

    You can use funny real estate quotes (and turn it into an image) like: “Top 10 things to do when selling your home: #1: call me (I’ll handle the other 9) ☺

    You can also use Inspirational quotes, sayings, and quotes about being a Real Estate Agent. With proper admin or management of the account, you’ll be able to build trust to your audiences. It would look more attractive if you turn these quotes into images using social media graphics and designs.

    The ascendancy of social media marketing has made a remarkable impact on the real estate market. This marketing strategy has changed the way real estate businesses reach out to their clients and has required the companies to be more interactive and more customized to their audience.

    As a business owner, time is always a scarce resource. To administer your time and your money to social media marketing may be resilient but there are ways on how a real estate business can minimize this. You’ll see improving performances on your social media posts when you start optimizing your posts and strategies.

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