
    Is Law a Secure Career?

    When you announced in your close circle of friends that you have chosen Law as a career, the first piece of advice that will reach you would be ‘how secure is this career’! It makes sense. One should know about how secure a career is before choosing it. Those who graduated the law school after the year 2007 would testify the fact that the law industry did experience some security-concerned drawbacks. Such as a few legal jobs and an excess of lawyers. And due to the said situation, the undergraduate students who were the highest performing began to abandon law school. So, before you start conducting a research on how to become a lawyer, you need to figure out if this career is precarious or secure.

    Despite all the prevalent disappointments, you need to know the details of the job security in the law industry. Especially, if it’s your passion to become a lawyer. So, are legal jobs offering any stability? Or they are just like all the other jobs which we see in the contemporary modern economy?

    Let’s figure out.

    Can You Have Career Longevity with Law?

    Let’s discuss a few reasons why: Law can prove to be a secure career.

    Exclusive Club

    While there is a glut of lawyers out there, being a lawyer still means a highly protected position to be in the exclusive ‘club’. Even if there are a good number of hurdles. The fact that law has a higher barrier to the entry ensures that in the end, there will be fewer people to compete for jobs. The need for legal services in law firms and various other organizations is going to be there always. Lawyers who practice privately are also needed.

    Law Offers Comparatively Easier Entry and Exit from the Profession

    We are already aware of the fact that in many career lines, spending 3-5 years means you are going to have that profession for the rest of your life. Whether you like it or not. And if you really have a strong will to make a career switch, it is going to take a heck of a time! Take the instances of Technology careers and Medicine. Spending 5 years in the said professions and then thinking of making a switch means quite a problem. Unlike Medicine and Technology, Law is not going through a swift evolution. Although you need to keep up with the latest practices and developments in the field, it is not improbable to switch to a different profession if you have spent a few years in the field of law.

    Insulates Against Ageism

    Do you know that the older the lawyer, the wiser! Law offers a long career and insulates you from ageism. If you are making a comparison of income, you may notice that tech engineers are making a lot. But, will they be able to earn the same amount when they enter their 40s or 50s? The answer is No! The senior you become as a lawyer, the more prestige you get. Aging is not an issue in the legal field. Even if you don’t stay a part of a huge law firm, you are still going to be a highly-respected 50-year old private practitioner. Isn’t that great!


    If we compare all these advantages to other careers, Law offers a solid and secure career. If you only consider the ageism, middle-aged employees are victims of ageism all the time in every other profession. When people are between the 40s and 50s and they voluntarily or involuntarily quit a job, it becomes a huge challenge to find anything equivalent. In any non-legal profession, the age group preferred for induction is only from 20 to 30.

    Moreover, Law a career still gets to have some institutional benefits as a career. And this very fact makes it a more secure career than others. If you turn out to be a resourceful, competent, and a motivated lawyer, you will be able to find jobs for the rest of your life. Compared to the tech entrepreneurs or the majority of its American corporate counterparts, Law jobs are more stable and safe.

    All these reasons should impact your investment decisions when it comes to choosing the right career. Signing up for a law school means enduring and greater advantages over the rest of the alternative career lines. And that’s for sure. It’s time to figure out the steps to become a lawyer! Good luck!

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