
    Let’s understand Big Data and Hadoop in the easy-breezy language

    Big Data, as the name says, comprises of the complex organized and unorganized datasets. With a large amount of data, it becomes a challenge to capture, store, analyze, share, transfer and update data. Let’s welcome Hadoop now! A software that helps find and fix these challenges.

    Why are Organizations adopting Hadoop?

    There are a several reasons that has made Hadoop acquire its space in a corporate world. Let’s know them all-

    • Data management faces a lot of challenges in the process of getting organized. This has increased the need of Hadoop in order to bring the lives at ease. Because Hadoop knows it all!
    • Who doesn’t want the latest technologies in their organization? For the smooth functioning and increased productivity, it is crucial to incorporate Hadoop in the organization.
    • Cost effective data storage solutions has given rise to the use of Hadoop.

    Concepts you will get to polish if you choose a career in Big Data

    • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)- Hadoop applications use HDFS to store data by employing NameNode and DataNode architecture. This helps provide high-performance access to data.
    • MapReduce- It is a tool used to write applications to provide the processing of data for further filtering and summarizing it. The process schedules and guard the tasks for the smooth functioning.
    • HBase– It is a model that delivers the access to large amounts of organized data. It uses Key/Value data and performs operations in real time.
    • PIG– It is a programming language that helps analyze huge datasets. It is used for semi-structured data.
    • HIVE- It is integrated with Hadoop and provides data queries and analysis. It is used for completely structured data.
    • SQOOP– This tool helps to transfer data between Hadoop and other database servers. The tool also helps to import data from MySQL, Oracle to Hadoop HDFS.
    • ZOOKEEPER– A technology that helps to maintain configuration information and provides synchronization services which is deployed on Hadoop cluster.

    Plan your career in Big Data for high-income opportunities

    Hadoop certifications can help you grab high packages after completing the course. Who doesn’t want a secured career after all?! It is easy for the Java Developers to nail the Hadoop Course since the script is written in JAVA. You may even get a chance to work with IBM, Facebook, Twitter and all the other top companies. Once you are done with the Hadoop course, you will be able to crack the complex projects. With Hadoop certifications, you can apply for the job profile such as Hadoop Analyst, Hadoop Developer, Hadoop Architect and Hadoop Administrator.

    Let us now understand the challenges one may face while dealing with Big Data

    • The projects can be destined to failure if there is lack of proper understanding about the Big Data.
    • With a plethora of data technologies, it can be difficult to decide the best platform the best tool for the storage of data. What’s better- Cassandra or HBase?
    • Big Data projects give rise to big expenses. The setup, configuration and maintenance incur a lot of expenditure.
    • The data comes from various sources. It becomes problematic to control the quality of data.
    • The security is often taken for granted while working with the Big Data technologies.
    • An improper analyzation of data may lead to losses.

    With a few challenges, we now have a few advantages of Hadoop-

    Hadoop has the ability to get along well with all the platforms, making it ideal for use in the multinational companies.

    Removed a server from the cluster? No worries. This won’t affect the functioning of Hadoop.

    Hadoop is one of the fast thinking frameworks to process data.

    Got all your doubts cleared? Gear up to make it big with Hadoop Certifications!


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