
    Modern Technologies as the Effective Tool for Success in Agribusiness

    The USA is well- developed world country. Over the years, it has held complete leadership in the agro sector of the economy. The country’s agro-industrial complex allows for covering the internal needs of the market. In addition, it ensures the achievement of leading positions in the export of agricultural products, which today is several times higher than imports.

    Metra Group

    Industrial crops, including rapeseed, sunflower, corn, wheat, oats, etc., make up most of the exported raw materials. The importance of the agricultural sector remains significant both for the country itself and for its trading partners.

    Significant Role of New Technologies in Agro-Industrial Sector

    The introduction of modern technologies has undoubtedly become a determining factor in developing the agro-industrial sector. New technologies enable companies to cut costs, speed up workflows, and generate more profits.

    Metra Group attracts particular attention today. It is involved in the production of equipment for the agro-industrial complex. The company’s high-tech equipment, created for post-harvest processing of crops, compares favorably with competitors. Moreover, thanks to unique design solutions, it is used both by large agricultural enterprises and small farms.

    High-Tech Grain Cleaners from Metra Group

    The design characteristics of the Metra Group machines allow bringing the quality of post-harvest processing to an entirely new level. Compared to analogs, Meter’s grain cleaning machines consume about 1.5 times less electricity. This has been achieved through innovative design. Thus, for example, an impeller is used as a power plant. This made it possible to significantly minimize air flow losses and prevent small debris from entering the air intake. The electric motor’s power on the selectors was also reduced, but the blowing indicators were retained.

    Grain cleaner from the Metra Group is inexpensive not only in terms of energy consumption. They are economical and straightforward to maintain and repair. The grain cleaners are equipped with a helpful frequency converter. This protects the motor from sudden power surges. This plays a critical role in the operation. The high quality of all mechanisms and assemblies ensures that the Meter grain cleaners will serve for a long time without the slightest technical intervention of experts.

    In conclusion, it is necessary to note that the Metra company has significantly expanded the geography of grain cleaners` sales today. This is because the equipment effectively cleans all crops and upsurges productivity several times.

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