
    Move Emails from One Office 365 Account to Another in Easy Steps

    Learn the methods to move emails from one Office 365 account to another as discussed in this blog. Also, find the answer to why would users want to move to another account? We will also be explaining the direct method to perform the task. Keep up with the write to learn the basic method.

    The users may be looking to perform the migration due to the increasing numbers of employees in an organization by the day. This could lead organization administrators to try to transfer some emails to another account since it is hard to manage a huge amount of vertical in one domain.

    This makes them try to migrate emails from one account to another in office 365 but they are not able to do the same which causes troubles. Let’s take a look at this user query to learn what type of situations do users find themselves in.

    User Query: Due to the growing numbers of employees in my organization, I have been finding it difficult to handle everything. I need to export some data to another account for the new users in Office 365 which I have been finding the solutions for every day. Is there any useful technique that is simple to understand and doesn’t have any long or complex procedures? Please suggest!

    Now, to the simple method that we would like to suggest to such users.

    Painless Solution to Move Email from One Office 365 Account to Another

    This effortless method for performing the exportation task is the Office 365 Migration Tool that allows the users to transfer the data to another account. It is possible to migrate emails, contacts, tasks, calendars, and documents from one account to another. The tool has the option to map the data and export it into any desired mailbox in Office 365 account.

    All the properties of the emails are preserved and the data is kept intact along with folder structure being maintained during the migration process. There are various more features that this tool offers to the users for a successful transfer that are described in the following segment.

    What Features Make the Process to Migrate Emails from One Account to Another Office 365 Easy?

    Following are the merits of using this tool that makes this procedure trouble-free:

    • Export emails, contacts, task, documents, calendars, and categories
    • Migrate the archive folders as well from the Office 365 accounts
    • Supports migration of shared mailboxes from one to another account
    • Option to selectively transfer emails using Date-Filter feature
    • Admin ID and Password of Source and Destination required for migration
    • Map the source and destination fields adding a CSV file
    • Allows to Re-Run the migration process for different situations
    • Compatible with Windows 10 (64 bit) and Windows server 2012 and 2016

    Now, to the steps of this tool.

    What Are the Working Steps of the Software for Migration?

    The steps to move emails from one Office 365 account to another are listed below:

    1. Download the tool and launch it. Check if the tool is activated and then, choose the Setup tab. Choose Office 365 as both Source and Destination.
    1. Select the Emails checkbox from Category section and apply the Date Filter to set the time-zone to transfer selective emails. Enable Use Group Mapping option if so required.
    1. Now, enter the credentials for Office 365 Admin account in the Source tenant and hit the Validate button to move further.
    1. Then, in the destination tenant, fill in the credentials for admin account and Validate it. Hit Next for going forward.
    1. Here, choose the Fetch Users option to add the data from the Source domain to migrate emails from one account to another Office 365. You can also select the Import Users option and add a CSV file to insert the data.
    1. Lastly, mention the group IDs for both tenants and set priorities. Validate it and click on the Start Migration option to complete the procedure.

    Now, once the software has completed the operation, you can check the export report of the procedure to determine the success count, fail count, and the total count of the files.

    There is a Date-Filter offered to you during the procedure that allows users to set the dates from and to for a time-duration to move only specific emails. This tool to move emails from one Office 365 account to another allows users to also pause and resume the process by clicking on the Stop Migration option.

    The software provides the option to re-run the migration process in three modes:

    • Retry Failed Items: It is possible to export the files that have been missed in the previous process.
    • Re-Run Full Migration: To run the entire migration process again.
    • Delta Migration: For migrating only the newly received emails after the first migration process.

    That’s All!

    There are various organizations that are hiring rigorously these days causing a rise in the numbers of employees in their organizations. Due to this, the management of a large number of employees is becoming difficult for the admins of the companies. Therefore, users try to move emails from one Office 365 account to another for making it easy to handle the numbers. This is why we have explained the easiest of all solutions for both techie and non-techie users. Read Also : Five simple ways to fix EER_CONNECTION_CLOSED in Google Chrome

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