
    Recover Wiped or Crashed Hard Drive in 3 Easy Steps – A beginners Guide

    Just getting a thought that you have lost all your data and photos which you have clicked with your family members or loved ones is a stressful experience. Which affects almost all of us who love to live the digital life. In our day to day life, there are many possible circumstances under which we might accidentally delete our important files or folders or empty our PC’s recycle bin without checking what we have thrown in it.

    Now, the question arises. Is it possible to recover wiped data or data from crashed hard drive? In simple words, the answer is yes. Because deleting data does not completely erase it from the drive. By deleting data from a hard drive doesn’t wipe it, it just shows it as free space in hard drive. And that free space is actually the blocks which can be used to store files. So, the file is always there when you need it.

    There are many ways to recover lost or wiped data. In these steps, you don’t need any special tech knowledge or neither any tech. So, what are the easy ways to recover the data?

    Steps to recover Crashed Drive or Lost Data

    #1 This is the option which comes with windows, in this method you don’t need any recovery software or any special tool. With this method, you can easily restore your lost files to its earlier version.

    Suppose you are not able to find an important file in your database or you also deleted it accidentally from recycle bin too. Then you can recover the file from backup (it applies only if you are using windows backup) or as we mentioned earlier, it also can be restored from its previous version.

    What previous Versions actually are?

    In computer language, previous versions are the copies of the files and folders that Windows OS automatically saves in the hard drive as a part of restore point for the unavoidable data loss situations.

    How to take your PC to backdate with System restore point?

    In the history of Windows OS, Windows 10 comes with perfect solutions to recovering problems that affect your PC to work smoothly. Below are the steps to perform system restore.

    Search for system restore in the Windows 10 Search box.

    Select Create a restore point from the list of searched results.

    #When the System Properties dialogue box appears.

    Now click System Protection tab.

    Click the Configure button.

    Enable Turn on system protection.

    After that use slider to the Max Usage and determine how much of part of your PC hard drive to use to create store Restore Points (Tip:- Setting slider 5% to 10% is usually sufficient in almost every case.)

    Now Click ok and apply.

    #Now whenever you want to return to a restore point. 

    Open the System Properties dialogue box again.

    Click the System Protection tab.

    Click the System Restore button.

    Follow the on-screen instructions and select the desired Restore Point when prompted.

    Tip:- You can also click the Scan for affected programs button before going any further, to see what might change on your PC afterwards. When you’re happy to proceed, click Next.

    #2 In this method, you can use recovery software that can even help you to recover formatted hard drive. Working on every data recovery software is different. So, when you install a fresh copy of any data recovery software. Do read the manual/installation guide before starting the data recovery process. Because it may be possible that you might miss any important step if you proceed without reading the instructions and without following that step you may lose your precious data forever.

    #3 Checking the Recycle Bin:- In many cases we delete the multiple files without checking. Make sure you double-check your computer’s trash can before taking any headache because in trash bin you can see everything inside. If you have found what you have been looking for then just drag it back on to your desktop. And you are good to go.


    It is always advised to keep backup of your data in any external hard drive or any device where you can keep your files safe eg. pen drives. Also, double-check the files and folder before deleting them permanently.

    Always keep more than one copy of your important files to avoid the unavoidable losses.

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