
    Role of Diesel Generators as Efficient Power Backup during Lockdown.

    The spread of the coronavirus has severely impacted several industries, sectors and economies. The energy industry is one such, owing to which the electricity demand curve has taken new shapes during the last two months. India being one of the nations across the globe manifesting lockdowns to restrain the virus spread has had its share of fluctuations in power supply and due to the possible losses in human resources and raw materials, there’s a requirement for all major utilities to gear-up with a critical backup.

    In these tough times, as people are following the Government’s advisory to stay indoors and work from home, a recognizable need for the power supply could easily be sensed. People are more dependent on electricity than ever before. Further, essential sectors like hospitals, banks, telecom, etc. who are currently on the top of providing utility services even amidst the lockdown need a reliable power backup for uninterrupted operations. Any breakdown in the power connection can bring these industries to a standstill.

    In situations like these, Diesel Generators come to the rescue. Due to their varied size range and the ability to meet any application, Diesel Generators remain the most popular and reliable source of power backup power.

    Diesel Generators for the Essential Sectors:

    Hospitals & Pharmaceuticals

    With India’s Medical & Pharmaceutical Industry working at double rates due to the spread of the virus, strong demand for efficient power supply rises. While discovering, developing and producing medicated drugs, and testing and treating suspected individuals and affected patients back and forth, one can imagine the need for a highly efficient energy source. Diesel Generators have been serving the exact purpose during this situation.


     Banks are the most important financial institution in our country at this point. With the sudden announcement of the lockdown, people had to rely on the banks for all major deposits and credits needed in urgency to carry out with the daily expenses. Clearing checks, exchanging currency, monetary rotations, etc. these automated bank systems are now drawing much more power than their usual requirement before, almost entirely from the power utilities. Thanks to diesel generators for ensuring smooth financial transactions and services without which, Indian economy would have taken a serious backseat.


    To ensure people continue to get their groceries at a time, a continuous outflow of power to the retail sector is more than essential. Failing to do so could result in the shutdown of the market, leading to catastrophic consequences in the exchange of goods. Due to the unreliability prevalent in the power generation scenario in the country, power outages or breakdowns in electricity connections is no surprise. During this crisis, almost the entire retail sector is relying heavily on diesel power back-ups.

    Telecom Towers

    Even in the middle of this entire lockdown situation, Diesel Generators have backed up Telecom Industries well to ensure seamless communications & exchange of data. Currently, all public and private sectors, MNCs and corporate offices are operating from home and their everyday jobs rely heavily upon signals for online work meetings, video conferencing, calls, browsing data and exchanging information over the network.

    Diesel Generators have surely provided strong backup support for uninterrupted operations of all critical installations and essential sector during the pandemic. Being the need of today, unfailing power for an extended period has made people stay strong to survive the crisis.

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