
    Cannot Find The Safari App Icon? Follow These Four Solutions To Locate It Easily

    Are you having a hard time locating the safari icon on your phone? Still cannot find it even after performing some tricks and tips mentioned on the internet? 

    We get how frustrating it can get to do the icon of the application you intend to use. But it is one of the common experiences that many ios users have been facing for quite a long time. 

    If you are one of those unlucky few who have been having a tough time navigating the safari icon app, then keep reading. In this blog, we will provide you with fail-safe procedures that will not let you down. 

    The Reason Behind The Missing Safari Icon On iPad:

    The reason behind the misplaced safari icon has kept many people alluding. It has increased the caution in the psyche of iOS users. It has also given rise to confusion to which many are still trying to find the answer. 

    In most of the cases admitted by iOS users, it has been noted that the issue of missing safari icons on iPad and iPhone is due to displacement and mismanagement. The safari icon is generally hidden on the home screen of the device. 

    If not on the home screen, it is placed on one of the folders of the devices. This aspect of displacement makes the users believe that the application has been deleted by mistake. If that or by someone having access to the phone, which is considered to be the obstruction of privacy. 

    Not knowing the reason behind the displacement of the icon can be frustrating. But as the safari application falls under the category of the essential or native apps of the iOS system, you can rest easy as the application will not be deleted. It means that it has just been misplaced due to some technical issues. 

    Though one cannot delete the application, other common reasons could prompt the displacement of the application. That is, the Screen Time Settings can restrict the views of the icon. 

    It prohibits the view of the user from ever knowing that the icon has been shifted under the Screen Time Settings. 

    As Frustrating As The Whole Ordeal Is, By Performing The Following Solutions, You Will Have Restored The Icon…

    The first solution: Go Through The Pages Or Screens   

    Locating the safari icon on pages and screens is one of the most common solutions. As there is a chance that the icon can be misplaced under other screens and pages, trying to find them there would be more permissible. 

    Check the folders to discern whether the icon of the application has been accidentally placed there. If you manage to find it under one of the pages or the sites, you have to navigate it to the preferred location. 

    Second Solution: Reset Your Home Screen  

    If you notice that the icon is still missing even after performing the first solution, you must perform this method to find your icon. To reset your device, follow the steps written below. 

    • Head to the setting of your iPad. 
    • Make your way to the “General” tab. 
    • Click on the “Reset” button. 
    • Now choose the option of  “Reset Home Screen Layout”. 

    By clicking on the “Reset Home Screen Layout”, you will enable a default reset of the system where all the icons will be present on your home screen. 

    Third Solution: Check the “Restrictions” Tab

    Most of the time, the displacement of the icon in the restriction tab makes it imperative for the user to check them. Here is the method to do so. 

    •  Head to the “Settings” section that is on your iPhone. 
    • Now click on the “General” menu. 
    • Choose the “Restrictions” tab. 

    By clicking on the Restriction tab, you have to check whether you have restricted the application, Safari, or not. Ensure that you have turned it on.

    Fourth solution: Restore your iPad 

    Sometimes restoring your iPad can help you to find the icon easily. Though the procedure is lengthy, it will surely help you locate the icon. Follow the steps mentioned above to do so. 

    • Attach your iPad to a Mac computer using the USB cable. 
    • Now install iTunes. Skip this step. If you already have iTunes.
    • Head to the “Devices” section situated on the left pane of the device. 
    • Choose your iOS device.
    • Choose the option of the “Summary” button.
    • Tap on the “Restore” button.

    After you click on the option of “Restore”, your device will launch a procedure that will assure that you can see the safari browser on the homepage of your iPad device. 

    Final Thoughts: 

    By following the steps mentioned above, we can say for sure that you will find the safari icon. After finding the icon, place it where you prefer. However, if you fail to locate the icon even after performing the mentioned solutions, contact the iOS system operators or customer services to seek professional help.

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