
    Tips for Creating Advertising Videos

    Making a good video can be the key to success in the advertising campaign of your company. Of course, this does not mention the tools you will use to disseminate the audiovisual material, but this is not the point to be addressed in this article.

    This time we will focus on giving you some very useful tips for the creation of a novel advertising video, and at the same time arouse the interest of your target audience.

    5 tips for creating successful advertising videos

    Make a short video

    Maybe you think we’re exaggerating, but from this point you can depend on the success of your video. Why do we say it? Well, it is possible that you make an attractive material with a good content, but if it is too long you will ruin everything.

    Many ad film production houses in Dubai and around the world agreed that the duration of an advertising video should be 30 seconds. Going from there? Better not think about it. And is that users tend to skip the long audiovisuals, also when it comes to promoting a product you have to be direct not to bore.

    On the other hand, always think that the material can be shown in stream, that is, in the ads that appear when you play any video (in the case of YouTube).

    The logo must appear, but … when?

    We are clear that the logo of your company or brand must appear yes or yes. Do not go deep into it, the question is … at what moment of the advertising video we place it?

    Ideally, it should appear during the first 5 seconds of the material. This is the first thing that you have to show the users, because if they decide to skip the video quickly, at least you will get them to know the name and the image of your brand.

    Choose the format to present the content

    One of the essential aspects so that the advertising videos have a good content is knowing how to choose the correct format, that is, the type of images: if recorded in real scale or motion graphics.

    But which one do I choose for my video? Motion graphic has become the preferred option for companies, thanks to which they provide more flexibility when presenting content.

    They are even more visually digestible and break the monotony of seeing someone from the company explaining everything. Eye, you can also choose the option of the recorded images, the quality is what will determine whether the content is good or not.

    Make sure you have a good sound

    It is useless to make a video with excellent images if the sound is not at the same height. In this type of material everything must be understood very well, from the images, through the message to the audio.

    So he works on the voiceovers, recording them with the right equipment and editing them correctly. It is also necessary to include a soundtrack or a musical background that fits the message of the video.

    Build a clear message

    To give a clear message, first you have to define how you want to transmit it to achieve the goal that is … capture the viewer’s attention from the start.

    Our recommendation is that you focus on showing the problems that the product or service can solve to then explain what your company does.

    Put yourself in the shoes of the users, they always put the inconveniences they want to solve in the foreground, then find out what the company that offers the service does.

    And with this we end today’s post. We are convinced that if you follow these tips for the creation of advertising videos you will achieve good results. Put them into practice and you can see for yourself.

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