
    Top 5 Benefits Of Remote Substation Monitoring For Energy Suppliers

    Remote device monitoring and maintenance have changed the way monitoring, maintenance, and repair of establishments that may require 24×7 support. Remote Monitoring and Maintenance (RMM) has been helpful in reducing downtime due to defects, troubleshooting, and liquidating the defect.

    Remote maintenance of substation has been gaining popularity with increasing awareness about the advantages of the system. It is productive, cost-effective, requires less labor, and helps in a quick turnaround. The cloud-based system can be controlled from anywhere in the world.  

    Let’s have a look at the top 5 benefits of remote access device monitoring of substations.  

    1.  Helpful for Preventive and Corrective Maintenance

    The major systems and substations will require regular inspections to ensure that all components function properly. Degradation in the performance of any components can in turn affect another one associated with it and so on. The cascading effect can result in total failure. 

    Remote maintenance devices will keep a constant watch and will maintain the performance log. Any irregularities or probability of malfunctioning will be registered in the system and the same will be notified to the operator as a warning. The technical team can initiate necessary corrective measures accordingly.  

    The remote monitoring and maintenance will have data regarding the periodic maintenance activities and their schedule. A pop-up indication will inform the operator or maintenance team about the maintenance activity soon falling due. The technical member can schedule the task and undertake the activity in advance or at the time, it is due.  

    2.  Reduces Downtime for Defect Identification and Repair

    One of the most complicated issues during the operation of substations and similar assets is the fault analysis and locating the defective component. It will be easier to replace or repair the component than identifying the exact defect location and faulty component. 

    With the remote access device installed, the technician doesn’t have to check the continuity of each line/ component, check every component, or presume the defective component by observing the defect type. The remote maintenance monitoring device will indicate the defective section/ component in the system. Thus, the team doesn’t have to spend more time on troubleshooting. Just repair or replace the component and continue the operation. This will also be enhancing the goodwill and reputation of the organization, aiding growth. 

    By reducing the time required for troubleshooting, you will be improving the productivity of the team. They can be employed on expansion activities, installation of substations, or other similar jobs. As the remote device is in place, one or two persons can undertake the jobs without difficulty. 

    3. Augments Safety and Security Aspects

    The safety and security of substations are of paramount importance. Any miscreant can create chaos by disturbing the functions knowingly or unknowingly. Organizations spent a hefty amount on ensuring the security of the substations. 

    Remote maintenance and monitoring devices will evade the requirement of physical security staff. The system can be locked and secured from a remotely located office. You can stipulate the entry to the substation to some stipulated members. Further, the range of activity or the tasks, a particular member is authorized to do, could be regulated with the device. You can simply select the range of activities and assign the same to the person.

    Substations may act potentially dangerous, at times. The failures may lead to fire or widespread destruction. Controlling the systems from a remote location is the most advisable thing in such a condition. Moreover, the systems will be monitoring the functions of the system. Any deviation from the specified function will be indicated to the operator. Consequently, adequate measures could be implemented to prevent any mishaps.  

    4. Better Info about the System

    The cloud-based remote maintenance and monitoring device will give you constant data about the functioning parameters and other statistics. Thus the management and professional team can have a better idea about the condition of the system and function specifications. 

    The above-mentioned will not be possible in other control systems. It will necessitate the team to visit the place, check each gauge/display, and note down the parameters. Frequent visits may not be possible for the busy top-level management of the organization, wherein they have to depend solely on the info provided by the personnel deputed to the substation. IoT platform for energy equipped with remote control, cloud services, and real-time monitoring enables the authorized personnel to avail required data on a single click.  

    5. Cost-effective Solution

    The remote access device is budget-friendly and cost-effective in many ways. By reducing the downtime, it improves productivity. The number of personnel required for monitoring and maintenance being less, it saves on labor costs, besides being more effective. The greater performance will be pivotal in obtaining more customers for your product. The initial cost for setting up the device is not much compared to the advantages it offers. 

    By using the remote device, you are utilizing the technological advancement for better productivity, profit, and growth. It is high time to change over to the latest technology, rather than relying on the traditional methods, which require more manpower and budget.

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