
    Top 7 Automated Cross Browser Testing Tools

    All Software Testers will want in their Toolbox

    As the name states cross browser testing is a quality assurance check performed across browsers. Cross Browser testing is a common quality assurance check for all the web-applications. With a variety of web-browsers available, and users accessing the web-application on different browsers makes the cross-browser testing very vital. 

    Some of the popular browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, and internet explorer. 

    You might notice that some websites have distorted display or have issues in specific browsers. Whereas, works fine in some browsers.  

    Each browser has a set of guidelines to interpret the information on the webpage. The display is always within the frame of these guidelines.  

    Components like Javascript, Ajax request in js, Applets, Flash, Flex, and request handling have different behavior in different browsers.

    Hence, some browsers might not support the feature your application has, or the feature might require further customization to run successfully. 

    Parameters such as operating system, device features, screen size, and screen resolution change constantly; and impact how the user consumes content. Understanding the diversified user experience is essential to design and deliver a product that has or can have a huge user base.

    Cross browser testing ensures the quality of the web application or the website across browsers is good. It includes testing the functionality and design of the web-application across browsers and browser versions.  

    It is not just vital but necessary to test the web-application compatibility with different browsers. 

    Cross browser testing is done in two ways.

    •   Manual testing
    •   Automated testing

    Manual Testing

    The term manual testing is self-explanatory; quality assurance engineer or the software tester executes the test cases manually. 

    Software tester evaluates the web-application components, design, functionality, and performance by clicking and navigating through different elements of the web application. No script or tool is used to perform the assurance checks. 

    Manual testing offers a complete user experience, crossing the touch-points of an end user. Exploratory testing and user acceptance testing methods are for manual testing.

    Automated Testing

    As the name states, the testing activity for the web-application is either fully automated or partially automated. The testing of the application is carried out by running the scripts or tools designed for testing the application. 

    Automation helps in performing repetitive actions on different platforms and browsers. 

    Automated testing is swift and accurate in results. Automated testing enables multiple test cases to run parallelly. 

    Automated testing is more reliable and is the most efficient way of performing performance or quality assurance check across browsers. It is cost and time effective; it offers the breadth and expansion required to understand the numerous elements and identify issues in the first instance. 

    A wide range of automated testing tools is available in the market that loads the web-application on different browsers and checks the application in a continuous workflow to pass the required tests. It also creates a feedback loop for failed test cases. 

    These tools help you create applications faster, create visually perfect screens, and minimize defects. These are very user-friendly easy-to-use tools, easily scalable, and maximizes your returns. 

    So, let us talk about the top 7 automated cross browser testing tools all the software tester will want to have in the toolbox. 

    LambdaTest a cross browser testing tool offers a plethora of features to perform automated and live interactive cross browser testing on 2000+ browsers and operating system on the cloud.  

    You can run the automation testing scripts on the scalable selenium grid. It reduces build time extensively. It supports a wide range of languages, framework, and CI tools for easy integration and execution. 

    The Key motive of the tool is to provide users perfect experience across browsers, browser versions, and operating systems.

    Key features

    • Selenium Web Testing Automation
    • Live Interactive Browser Compatibility Testing
    • Faster Automated Screenshot Testing
    • Parallel Testing For Faster Goto Market Launch
    • API For Continuous Testing
    • Continuous Testing with Continuous Integration tools


    • SmartBear CrossBrowserTesting


    SmartBear’s CrossBrowserTesing offers a range of testing products to test 2050+ browsers in seconds. You can conduct tests on the real device and virtual machines.  

    The secure cloud-based testing platform lets you run multiple tests parallelly at once and cuts down the testing time significantly.  The tool has full support for Selenium and Appium.

    Key features 

    • 10x testing speed for your current automated testing. 
    • Visualize layout and responsive issues in seconds
    • Continuous testing of products
    • Test reports and analysis


    • Experitest


    Experitest is an one stop solution for web testing, Appium and selenium testing, cross-browser testing, and more on a SAAS platform. 

    Experitest provides an grid execution toll for web and mobile. Experitest accelerates testing and increases the coverage of browsers by running multiple tests on multiple browsers and mobile devices. 

    Key Features

    • Cross platform test execution
    • Seamless integration across tools and framework
    • Parallel test execution
    • Real-time test execution view
    • Easy debugging
    • Continuous integration
    • Network visualization and monitoring
    • Advanced reporting and analytics


    • Ranorex


    Ranorex Studio provides test automation framework for testing desktop, web-based and mobile applications.  With Ranorex you can build and deploy reliable and maintainable tests with or without coding. 

    Easy to use framework enables testers to build modular scripts that are reliable, scalable and efficient regardless of programming expertise. 

    Key features

    • All-in-one test automation
    • Same-day productivity
    • Powerful reporting
    • High customer satisfaction
    • Tool for everyone 


    • TestComplete


    SmartBear’s TestComplete is a functional automated testing platform for Windows, Androis, iOS and web applications. 

    TestComplete is easy to use automated UI testing tool with AI. The automated UI testing tool makes it easy to create, maintain, and execute functional tests across desktop, mobile and web applications.   

    It is industry’s first hybrid object and visual recognition test engine. 

    Key features

    • Object recognition with AI
    • Build and maintain automated GUI test faster
    • Supports script based and no script tests
    • Native BDD support
    • Continuous testing


    • Browsershots


    Browsershots is a testing tool for web applications. You can test a website in any browser and operating system. It is widely used for the simple usage and customizations available

    Key features

    • Cross browser compatibility test
    • High degree customization
    • Automate screen shots
    • Supports 61 browsers


    • Browsera 


    Browsera is an automated website layout testing platform. It automatically detects cross-browser issues and scripting errors.

    Key features

    • Discover layout problems across browsers
    • Locate Java script errors
    • Test entire site
    • Test pages behind login
    • No installation 
    • Test dynamic pages

    The choice of the tool is totally based on the requirements you have and the tools listed above covers almost all the requirements. Automate the cross-browser testing using the best tools and get hand on the niche issues to deliver world-class web applications. 

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