
    Top Secrets To Achieving Success With Guest Posting

    Guest posting has acquired a mainstream status today as marketers consider it as one of the best inbound strategies. Considering the benefits it is capable of delivering, the tactic deserves to be on the top. It has huge potential when it comes to attracting quality backlinks from relevant sites, driving more qualified traffic to your website, generating tons of leads, and building strong brand authority. Needless to say, it is like an all-purpose strategy that helps you cover the entire aspects of SEO. However, the challenge is that everyone’s now doing it. With site owners being inundated with pitches and content, it gets harder to achieve tangible results amid the daunting competition. The key lies in being different and you can do it by fine-tuning your guest posting tactics. Here are some secrets that can help you reap handsome benefits from a successful guest posting strategy.

    Invest in relationships with niche influencers

    Guest posting success greatly relies on having your posts appear on niche-relevant and popular websites that the audience trusts. So it makes sense to invest in relationships with the top influencers in your space. The secret to success lies in consolidating these relationships sooner rather than later. If influencers know you beforehand, there are chances that they will open your email even as they get thousands of pitches. Getting into the radar of popular bloggers is easy- just keep sharing their posts, comment on them, reach out in social media and write them thank you notes. The approach will definitely make you recognizable when you pitch and give you a head start. 

    Select your target sites carefully 

    The most common reason why guest blogging doesn’t work for businesses is that they target the wrong websites. Simply doing something because everyone else is doing it won’t help- you need to do it right too. When it comes to guest posting, you have to be extra selective when choosing the target sites. Choose blogs that are a perfect match for your niche and are frequented by the audience you want to get. To start with, you need to understand the anatomy of premium guest posting sites. Essentially, these should be relevant and have genuine organic rankings and traffic. One that offers stellar content, clean anchor text, and SEO juice is the right pick. It is best to invest your efforts only on the right sites if you want real results.

    Pitch like a pro if you want to win

    Finding the right websites to pursue for guest posting is only half the work done; the real job is to create stellar pitches that compel them to get back to you. Unless you excel on this front, your campaign is likely to fall flat. Have a good look at the blog and ensure that you pitch a topic that blends well into the site. A careful review of the guidelines will also help because it shows your effort to know the blogger and their requirements better. Add a few links to your previous posts in the pitch to showcase your writing talent. Make sure that there are no grammar and spelling mistakes in the pitch. Go the extra mile with personalizing the pitch by including the host’s name.

    Pitch a ready-to-publish customized post

    Surely, a great pitch gives you better chances of impressing the blogger but you can go one step ahead by including a publish-ready customized post with it. Guest bloggers look for top-notch content that adds value to their site and compels the readers as well. Although most sites will have a suggestive content length in their writing guidelines, it makes sense to offer long-form content. Check to understand the value of in-depth, long-form content. The internet is flooded with regular 500-word pieces that don’t really offer much for the readers. Skip that mindset and provide amazing content that serves as a source of quality information. Even as you stick to the site’s niche with the topic choice, look for one that is trending as it is bound to attract the blogger and audience alike. Linking to related posts on the host website is a good idea if you want to impress the webmaster.

    Have a relevant contextual backlink 

    Generally, blog owners do not allow backlinks in the post itself but let you have them in the author’s bio. But that doesn’t mean you cannot convince them. What they really look for are relevant resources that are capable of adding value to an article. You can ask them upfront for in-content links while convincing them that they would be relevant and contextual. As long as the backlink adds value to the post, they will probably accept your request. Moreover, you have better chances to get the favor from them if the link appears to fit naturally into the context. After all, such a backlink will only make the content more valuable to the readers, which is the top priority for any blogger. 

    Consider linking to a dedicated landing page

    Another easy secret to winning the guest posting game is to link with special landing pages rather than the homepage of your website. This is the mistake that marketers often make and end up wasting all the good work. Ideally, you need to have a specific page targeting the host site’s visitors rather than sending them to a generic page. This gives them a relevant giveaway that matches the campaign you are running through the guest post. Further, you have better chances of conversion if the audience lands on a relevant page that highlights a service they may be interested in. This is because it cuts down the work they have to do for searching and navigating to reach the intended product or service.

    These tactics can make all the difference between an ordinary strategy and one that stands apart. Obviously, you get a winning advantage if you make a little extra effort to reach out to the right influencer as it gives you the apt exposure and better chances to convert. Make sure that you blend these tactics in your strategy to get the extra edge.

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