
    Understanding the Mobile App Development Lifecycle

    Mobile app development is procedure based and this means that certain steps must be followed in strict order for a successful end. If you are looking to hire a professional, make sure they are not the type to cut corners as compromise on any step will possibly affect the stability and function of the app created. To keep track of what is happening and so as to maintain the required order, it is important to understand the development life cycle of a mobile app.

    Step one: conceptualization and envisioning

    This step will only happen if you have already imagined the need for the mobile application. What do you need an app for your business for? What goals do you have for the app? It might take quite a long time to come out of this stage but consider it a natural course that must be taken. For every reason you have to build the app, envision the various ideas that may or may not be in use. If your research into what the customers need gives birth to another idea, be open-minded to implementing the most viable option.

    Stage two: design stage

    Before you embark on implementing this stage think of the fact that the average internet or app user has an attention span of 8 seconds. Make the design of the app as simple as possible to interact with your target audience. If possible exhaust the elements of each OS you are designing for as well as the latest features of mobile devices. The wire-frame comes first at this stage followed by graphic design. The use of tools will make the process easier and will enable the development of a satisfying app for both the customer and app owner.

    Stage three: testing to stabilize

    You have been dealing with code since you began so it is only fair to test for bugs to find out how effective the system is. Once you run a successful debugging process, enlist a number of random people, but who would fall under your target audience, to test the application. Their role is to give you feedback on ease of use and stability. Use their comments, complaints and suggestions to improve the app. ultimately, test for issues that would make the app to crash so as to make corrections before the app is public.

    Stage four: product release

    At this stage, engage the marketing team to help in distributing the app, promoting its features and advocating for its use. Since you already know what target market you designed for, decide between Amazon app store, Google Play store and Apple App store to publish your app.


    You are not done yet because the cycle is far from over at this point. It is going to take some back and forth to update and maintain the app so that appearance and function remains optimal. For a successful life cycle, Mobile App Development and app marketers must comprehend their role at each stage.

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