
    Ways to Achieve a Happy and More Productive Workplace

    The fact is that a happy workplace is a more productive one. Boosting staff happiness at work is not only good for staff but good for business too. As well as increasing productivity, it also means lower staff turnover. So how can you keep your workplace a happy, motivated and dynamic place to be? Here are a few ideas…
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    Encourage team bonding – Teamwork is one of the most important things in a successful workplace. It is something that needs to be worked at though – teambuilding exercises and days out should be regular, and other activities can also be put in place. Things like team incentives in the workplace can encourage people to work as a team.
    Happy employees work in offices with these 8 amenities (hint: ping pong  comes in last) - TechRepublic

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    Make Sure Everyone is Happy in the Environment – Happiness also comes from being in a pleasant environment. Let in plenty of light, or if you don’t get a lot of natural light, replicate it using special LED bulbs. Comfort is also important – make sure all office furniture is functional as well as comfortable, as well as being good quality like these reception chairs Make Sure that the Work is Fulfilling – Of course, not many people can say they enjoy all of their work all of the time. But employees who feel as though the work that they do is important and has value, are happier and more motivated to perform well. Praising employees for a job well done goes a long way, as does including an example of how the work they did has been a success.

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