
    What are the Current Trends in App Development?

    Mobile apps are deeply steeped into our culture and lifestyle today. With smarter devices coming into the market and operating systems being updated regularly to support these devices, enterprise mobility services are exploring new capabilities in app development. Contrary to the skeptics’ view that the mobile app development was just a bubble, recent statistics indicate that these apps are poised to generate global revenue to the tune of $188.9 billion by 2020. 

    This ascent has been made possible by diversity in device-enabled products include gaming apps, location apps, audio-based apps, virtual reality (VR) apps, largely propelled by the advent of low code development platforms. With apps creating ripples in the digital world, enterprise application development services today are constantly looking for creating more technologically enhanced apps. Here are some of the currents to look out for: 

    Internet of Things Gains Hold 

    Internet of Things has already shaken things up in much of the digital sphere, and now it is making in-roads in the app development world. Thanks to low code development platforms that enable of creation of full suite of apps for contrasting uses, IoT is emerging to be a big trend. Right now, one of the primary focuses is to use IoT to build apps that can simplify daily commute for users by easing the menace of vehicle parking and traffic snarls. 

    Enhanced App Performance 

    While a lot of attention is being given to incorporating new technologies in app development, optimising user experience remains a key focus for enterprise mobility services. To ensure optimal app performance, developers are relying on Application Performance Management and Enterprise Mobile Management. Apart from streamlining business processes, these also help in improving app security, its management and maintenance. 

    AR and VR Take Apps beyond the Screen 

    Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have has a huge impact on the audience, especially in the gaming sector, over the past few years. Now, social media platforms are taking advantage of the hype to offer their users a futuristic experience. The most fitting example of this would be Snapchat and Instagram implementing AR and VR technologies to make their platforms more interactive and trigger a surge in user engagement. 

    Beacons Technology Being Integrated with Apps 

    Beacons technology that uses tiny transmitter to pass signals from one device to another primarily via Bluetooth is being integrated with app interfaces. Enterprise application development services are leveraging this technology to simplify extremely localised searches for users. The end goal of infusing beacon technology with app interfaces is to make sharing of personalised information and virtual guides smoother. 

    Chatbots Are Now Integral to Apps 

    Chatbots have become an integral part of mobile applications in a short span of time. Thanks to advancements made in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), these bots can be integrated within mobile apps without any intricate coding and facilitate quick, real-time responses to customers. These virtual assistants do not require any human involvement in interaction with users and are considered an indispensable tool for well-rounded customer relationship management.

    The scope of mobile app development is changing at a lighting fast pace. The focus has now shifted from ‘whether a business needs an app at all’ to ‘which latest technologies can be embedded to offer a highly responsive interface’ to the users.

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