
    What is the difference between Traditional and New business?

    For traditional business, you will see a lot of hard work being put to it. From manually calculating the stock to reaching out to a new client. While for new advance business you will be able to see people out drinking coffee building the network more. There are two words which I can link to each type of business.

    Traditional Business

    I will say traditional business depend on the two words “working hard”. Business is all about labor work. If you are willing to put in the effort to work harder than the others you will succeed in life.

    Running sales, you just have to spend more time promoting to others through words of mouth.

    New Business

    For new business, I will say you can’t depend on working hard anymore. Rather than working hard you should “work smart”.  There are too many competitors out there and you could not just follow the old school method of promoting your sales. You should be more creative to attract more clients.

    What is the method we should use to separate us from the traditional business?


    One method is by going digital. Setting up a website and promoting your service through the use of a website and of course promoting using the word of mouth. I had tried doing sales before the company website is set up and the answer I usually get is “How can I trust you when you do not even have a website to show? I will rather find one with a website.” For now, with a website, I have a customer approaching me instead.  Able to see the difference? Everything in this current society is about technology and we should make use of this technology to help us instead of using the old method which will require more effort and more time-consuming.


    There is software to help cut down on manpower and increase efficiency. For my company, we always have to manually calculate the sound pressure level of a room and the location of the speaker this will take hours of hard work. But now with a software created by YAMAHA, we can actually do it in 5min. See how much time is saved on it?




    Most of the company now a day are starting to use the cloud to save their document on it. This will allow the employee to gain access to their work document anywhere in the world. The employee could not say this anymore “but I left the document in the office. I will check for you when I reach the office.”.

    This isn’t the main reason for the cloud. It is more for work-life balance. Everyone can have more time to network and time for family when you can actually work anywhere.


    Replacing man-power with the machine is a very common thing now. A machine can do 10 or more people work at a time. You will just need an engineer to maintain the machine and let the machine do the rest of the work. Now a day in some restaurant you can actually see a machine serving you instead of a waiter coming to take your order.

    Are your company still a traditional or new business? If it is still a traditional one it is time to advise your director on what are the thing people are doing differently.

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