
    What You Should Know Before Solving Your Next Picross Puzzle

    Picross is a puzzle game that involves completing pictures by using hint numerical values. These puzzle games use logic and not any form of guesswork. Picross puzzles are often black and white, though they are colored.

    If you are a newbie, you may find solving the puzzle a bit tricky but things eventually get easier as you keep practicing. Below are some of the things you need to know before you solve your next puzzle for you to be fully equipped for your next game.

    Key Factors to Keep In Mind

    • Finding a good starting point is the most essential factor as everything falls into place after that.
    • When solving picross puzzles, one must use logic as guesswork is not applied.
    • The correct pronunciation is “pick-ross” not “pie-cross”. The reason behind this is that it is derived from the words “crossword’ and “picture”.
    • You should fill in a column or a row if it is of the same size as the single number and the puzzle.
    • There are only one-way cells that can be arranged in a certain row if all the total number in a column and row plus that of the numbers less by one is equivalent to the height or width of the puzzle.
    • Assume nothing before studying the puzzle carefully, as you might be surprised as you solve the puzzle. Before solving the puzzle, you might think that you can easily identify the image in the picross puzzle only to be disappointed.
    • The numerical values present in each column and row of a puzzle show how the cells to be filled in have been arranged. Gamers should frequently use crosses to mark the small sizes of the gaps.
    • To find cells that have already been filled, use both sides to count the number for large numbers in the puzzle.

    Rules To Follow

    The primary aim of this game is to free spaces after identifying the board that has the blue squares. Do this by studying the definitions of the columns or rows. A group of numbers describing squares that appear on the row will be present. For instance, one square, five squares, and two squares might be represented by 152.

    To mark the occupied squares, you can click them once. If you click them twice, it will automatically be marked as X; you can track the empty squares using this sign. To bring the squares to their original state, click them again.

    Tips To Use When Solving Picross Puzzles

    Where you find yourself stuck, you might avoid places that can get you to the next level. Keep searching while using logic for you to discover where to place an X or a black square.

    If you don’t end up using guesswork, don’t forget that you might end up contradicting yourself and this will require you to go back to identify where you made the error.


    With the right attitude and its simple rules, anyone can enjoy this game regardless of their age.

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